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if i was to use AAA shot to shoot roe deer in a plantation would i get a clean kill if i kept the range under 25 yards and used full choke or would it be too risky. plus would i aim for the head or heart


Unless I am very mistaken the only thing that you would get is the jail mate!

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It is legal, as long as a few conditions are met.


The deer, or deer of the same species, have to be causing damage to crops (including food for animals, food for humans etc.)


The deer have to be shot in the area the damage is occurring, by the land owner (or in certain cases their legal representative).


All other reasonable means must have been exhausted.


The meat should not go into the food chain (it's not a legal HUNTING method in the UK, it is a legal PEST CONTROL method!)


If that's the case then it is legal. Whether it's ethical depends a lot on the conditions, how much damage is being caused etc.


As for killing, the AAA is the smallest shot you can use, through a 12 bore shotgun. Solid slug is preferred as it helps to ensure a clean kill.



If shooting with the AAA, a broadside chest shot is recommended, and you'll need to be quick to follow up as a clean kill is unlikely!


It's not a sporting method, the provision is there in law only as a means of controlling deer that have become a pest due to numbers. Most people would never consider a shotgun for deer, but there ARE times when it's legal and ethical, as long as every care is taken to ensure as quick and painless a death as possible. As with anything involving killing animals, a humane death over rides all other considerations!


Coldweld, take a minute to find out the history before you throw a hissy fit! If it were you, and your livelihood was being decimated by deer, then I'm sure you would mind less! Sometimes it's the only option!

Edited by matt_hooks
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Matt that's not a Hissy !


I have seen plenty of fox's shot with large shot that have not been killed out right ! There are stalkers on here that would give there right arm to help, so it seams harsh not to give all quarry a quick and as painless death as possible.

As you proberbly know getting within 25 m of deer is very hard [ but not impossible] so what happens then do you try a long shot with the shotgun ? and risk wounding.


I know how frustrating it is to get crop and tree damage due to animals and birds but even vermin should be killed as quickly and humainly as possible. It is not their fault they do not eat thngs out of spite.


I am not saying don't kill them but do you have to use a shotgun ??

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Yes you can, depends on where the deer are though.




I apologise! ......just shows how wrong I was !icon_redface.gificon_redface.gificon_redface.gif


In my opinion though I would be reluctant to use a shotgun on a roe deer as there are plenty of people who would help you out if you wanted it done more efficiently with a far greater chance of a clean kill..... but each to their own, if it is legal and that is how you want to do it then we all have to respect that!


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The so called "farmers defense" was written into the Deer Act to enable farmers who did not own a "deer" rifle to, in an emergency, protect their crops.


It is a very useful exemption for farmers and the wording of the exemption is quite specific but it must not be abused by bending the rules. I have on rare occasions shot both roe and red deer with a 12 bore and AAA and have found a neck shot to be the most suitable. I also have slugs on my fac for deer for such circumstances although I would obviously use a rifle if possible.

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Cold, please don't get me wrong! I totally agree that the shotgun is the very last solution. I've seen all sorts shot with a shotty and run around for days, weeks even, wounded and in pain!


However, without knowing the background I'm not going to have a go at the bloke.


Yes, I well know how difficult it can be to get within shotgun range of a deer, and it's not something I could do, but there ARE circumstances where it is necessary. There are times when it's simply not safe to use anything else!


What the op is talking about isn't stalking, it's pest control. Well, I hope so, otherwise it's definitely illegal!

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i am a gamekeaper and have a fac so dont need anyone to shoot deer for me. the reason i asked was because i have tried to stalk with conventional methods using a 30-06 but have had limited sucsess because the plantation is very dense and visabilaty is reduced to below 20 yards and i will be using a 5 shot semi auto full choke 3" cartridge. i have never used AAA so wasnt too sure sothought i would ask

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huh that's news to me, I always thought that SSG shot was the legal minimum. dooont go shooting deer with a shotgun, unless there is no other way, 36gm of AAA which seems to be that max load in AAA you can get, really dosen't have that great a pattern at 30m, even with 3/4 choke- see a post I did on this very thing HERE I wouldn't bother TBH, too great a chance of wounding, plus as the ranges are close, it's likley to be high on adrenalin, making killing it that bit harder. I feel AAA , in the current shot charges available, the pattern is not dense enough, , get hold of someone with a rifle.




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He has a rifle! Read the posts, AAA is adequete for roe at close range, not ideal but is capable of killing a standing roe. He is talking about shooting at 20 Yards so the rifle isn't much use.


SSG is for use against reds, fallow, sika,etc can be used for roe too. If AAA is no good for roe why is it legal in the correct circumstances??? I've seen roe killed with 6's when i worked in a game dealer!


I would much rather deer were shot with rifles but where there is a need for it a shotgun is very capable in the right hands :)

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He has a rifle! Read the posts, AAA is adequete for roe at close range, not ideal but is capable of killing a standing roe. He is talking about shooting at 20 Yards so the rifle isn't much use.


SSG is for use against reds, fallow, sika,etc can be used for roe too. If AAA is no good for roe why is it legal in the correct circumstances??? I've seen roe killed with 6's when i worked in a game dealer!


I would much rather deer were shot with rifles but where there is a need for it a shotgun is very capable in the right hands :)


by the same token why is .223 NOT legal for roe when it is more than good enough? even though it is legal, I still, like others wouldn't really want to use it unless there was no other option..




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He has a rifle! Read the posts, AAA is adequete for roe at close range, not ideal but is capable of killing a standing roe. He is talking about shooting at 20 Yards so the rifle isn't much use.


SSG is for use against reds, fallow, sika,etc can be used for roe too. If AAA is no good for roe why is it legal in the correct circumstances??? I've seen roe killed with 6's when i worked in a game dealer!


I would much rather deer were shot with rifles but where there is a need for it a shotgun is very capable in the right hands :)


by the same token why is .223 NOT legal for roe when it is more than good enough? DB



It is in scotland :tongue2::boogie:

Edited by ratattack
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