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hi all. where i live the pigeons are getting really cheeky (coming and landing on the shed roof when we are outside etc) EATING OUR VEG PATCH BARE AND SHITTING EVERYWHERE but due to having houses on all sides (end of terrace house with house backing onto our garden) so shooting is unsafe.


I have some rabbit cage traps and was wondering if its legal to set one on the shed roof baited with bread inside and just outside for the pigeons???


any advise would be great because i dont want to break any laws

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If you can get the angles right use a catty, don't know about pigeons but cage traps are grand with magpies so a pigeon should be alright. Good luck


I have been banned from using anything that fires a projectile in the garden (apart from humane dispatch from point blank and shooting foam darts at my sister with pump rocket) since a marble fired from a catty bounced off the shed roof and hit nextdoors greenhouse

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