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applying for a firearm .22 and .17 hmr

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hi, i am in the process of sending off my application for my fire arm certificate, ive put down a .22 for rabbit control, but i also want a rifle for fox control. would it be right to put down a .17 hmr ?


any advice would be much appreacited. thanks alot.


atb chris

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You'll hear all sorts of opinions on here, but IMHO the .17 isn't enough round to reliably kill foxes at extended ranges. If you're going for a foxing round then the 22/250 is better, or you could go up to a .243 and get them to put deer on it too!


Others will tell stories of huge distance fox shots with the .17, but the fact is there is no margin for error. The downrange energy of the .17 in my opinion does not give you the same safety margin as a bigger, faster round like the 22/250, .243, or one of the other .22 cf rounds.


I know some FEO's will not give you a .17 for foxes, though some will, a bit of a postcode lottery.

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  On 27/05/2010 at 15:40, matt_hooks said:

You'll hear all sorts of opinions on here, but IMHO the .17 isn't enough round to reliably kill foxes at extended ranges. If you're going for a foxing round then the 22/250 is better, or you could go up to a .243 and get them to put deer on it too!


Others will tell stories of huge distance fox shots with the .17, but the fact is there is no margin for error. The downrange energy of the .17 in my opinion does not give you the same safety margin as a bigger, faster round like the 22/250, .243, or one of the other .22 cf rounds.


I know some FEO's will not give you a .17 for foxes, though some will, a bit of a postcode lottery.


.17HMR round is only about 1,200 fps slower than a 22-250 round?


In most cases the .17HMR will kill a fox cleanly, but its down to bullet placement and you're Local Police Force whether they will grant FOX for a .17HMR, some will, some wont.

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Comparing the .17 hmr to a .22-250 is like comparing a shovel to a JCB


.17HMR 17grain bullet at 2550 fps with 245ft-lbs


.22-250 40grain at 4201 fps with 1566ft-lbs



I would get the 22-250 it is by far the better fox gun

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Wanderin. I think that's a bit prescriptive! I might have been inclined to argue the toss over that one! The .243 is as good, if not better, for foxes than the .22cf, and it's not really up to the FEO to decide what guns you should have! A .222 or .223 is as dangerous as a .243, if you're safe for one then you're safe for the other surely?


Of course if you don't mind having the .222 or .223 then I guess it's not worth making a fuss over.

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I applied late last year for 22lr and 17hmr and was granted both :clapper: . 22 for rabbits and 17 for long range rabbits and fox. I have got a CZ .17HMR. I don't go out for charlie, only the rabbits, but, if he decides to show himself then I will take the shot if it's safe to do so. I have taken three up to now, all just short of 100 yards and all have been clean kills.

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  On 28/05/2010 at 11:50, Treacle Trackpad said:
  On 27/05/2010 at 16:19, whippeter69 said:


.17HMR round is only about 1,200 fps slower than a 22-250 round?



Oh dear :duh:


It's not all about velocity I'm afraid.



I agree, there is more than a slight difference in bullet weight and since when was a 1200fps difference considered neglible?

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depends on your are if your flo will let you have hmr for fox. here in west mercia they do. but manchester have stopped it. from what some of the lads have been saying on different forums who live in that manchester area.



i shot around 10 foxes with the hmr longest shot was about 85 to 90 yards. i try keep it to 80 at a max. and head shots fox side ways on between the ear and eye is the best place.


yes the hmr is 1200fps slower then the 22/250 but bullet weight is the key ! we are talking about a 17 bullet against a 50 grain there is a big difference when that hits. and the ftlb is also a massive difference. as you no with a centrefire you have a bigger kill zone on a fox. as i think hmr body shots on a fox is iffy.


yes they will kill but not much room for error. where a 50 grain bullet from a 22 ce3ntrefire. is going to tear they apart on impact.


if you can get a 243 they go for it. its not the problem of it being your 1st rifle. as long as you can show the flo you need one but most will want you to have permission for deer also.


if it was me i would settle for a 22 centrefire if you can. and then go from there. my take on it is if you do alot of foxing and there round the 200 yard mark. 243 uses alot of powder where a 222 or 223 uses alot less for the same job

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Again, if you think that the .243 is the best tool for the job, don't let the FEO try and tell you otherwise! If you are shooting a lot of foxes then the .243 is as good a weapon as any, and better than most (with the added benefit of being deer legal if you ever decide to go for that as a variation) If you tell him that you hope to do some deer shooting in the future then that should be enough reason, if foxes aren't.


Seems some FEO's think it's their job to tell you what rifle you are allowed. News flash, it's not! If you ask for a rifle, and can provide good reason to hold, and all your checks come back ok, then they can't refuse (as long as the land is suitable for the calibre, which they can argue but if they're unreasonable about it a call to the BASC firearms lot should sort them out!)

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