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preban fox

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How i would of put it!

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Guest fence_hopper

my old boy pre ban of course killed them in seconds. why would you have to dispatch for a foxing lurcher if there any good.

Edited by fence_hopper
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never went puposly to get afox had some dpgs that killed them by the time you got there others i just wacked the fox and moved on quickly as the job in hand wasnt a worthless skin ,more worthy qaurry to catch ,most dogs ive had just got the throat and i coshed it and moved on as well it was not alway on land i had the run off , so a worthles fox isnt worth getting pulled for ,a dog should finish one of but saw dogs tiol some nites as they maybe chased a dozen roe or hares when it was legal sow ere not fresh for the job , but if i kepst adog just fpr a fox i expect it to be able to deal with it not a duel etc

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load and clear.cheers for replys.only asking cos i only really do rabbits.buti put my bitch on a fox pre ban and she struggled a bit with it.i finished the fox meself cos i idnt like the prolonged death of the fox or asking her to do something she maybe did not want to do.nothing against foxin with dogs at all.she was keen as to be slipped but seemed to just run along side it.i told her to get hold of it so she did.i also had another bitch i tried on charlie and she always got hold off it by the arse end.how she didnt get bit is amazin.every time he fox turned to bite her she would just swing it away.so again i would end up finishing the job.packed up tryin harlie with them lurchers.dont like to see animal suffer too much no matter what t is.do you think it was just a case of rong type off lurcher...some do some dont.both dogs were great on rabbits and deer.not the stamina for sally though.atb.mat.

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never went puposly to get afox had some dpgs that killed them by the time you got there others i just wacked the fox and moved on quickly as the job in hand wasnt a worthless skin ,more worthy qaurry to catch ,most dogs ive had just got the throat and i coshed it and moved on as well it was not alway on land i had the run off , so a worthles fox isnt worth getting pulled for ,a dog should finish one of but saw dogs tiol some nites as they maybe chased a dozen roe or hares when it was legal sow ere not fresh for the job , but if i kepst adog just fpr a fox i expect it to be able to deal with it not a duel etc

yeah see your point.my dogs were just rabbitin dogs really.one was rescue dog and when i first got her i had to keep her on real short leash cos se would steam into any other dog...a proper nutter.she came around and was a lovely friendly bitch in the end.but seeing her in the beggining made me think she might chomp charlie no probs.just werent the case.great lamp and ferret dog though.earnt her keep 4 me :thumbs:

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IMHO you should help the dog if it makes killing the fox faster fair enough if its killed the fox [bANNED TEXT] you get to it but to stand by and watch a dog slug it out with something that bites back they should not be hunting them in the first place and only brings more shit to the lurchermans door.



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I've always had the opinion that the process of me stepping in between my dogs and a fox and then despatching the fox myself would just prolong the act, but that's because I've been lucky with dogs that killed them in seconds.



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IMHO you should help the dog if it makes killing the fox faster fair enough if its killed the fox [bANNED TEXT] you get to it but to stand by and watch a dog slug it out with something that bites back they should not be hunting them in the first place and only brings more shit to the lurchermans door.

i agree with you.i did step in.thought i put that in me post.

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