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Alright lads and lassies as you know summer is nearly here and i didnt want a repeat of last year with me sitting on my arse all day so ive decided to come up with my own little business.

I decided to give vermin control a go.I made up 40 flyers and dropped them off in my local gunshop and farmers market.

I will be shooting rabbits, pigeons , crows magpies rats and foxes for local farmers aswell as trapping and snaring.

My dad helped me design the flyers and i will be shooting on a trainer license off his license.The cost is only 10 euro for the day and i will remove whatever pest is becoming an annoyance.

My company name is the verminator and my slogan is your pests wont be back

Let me know what you guys think of my idea and any other improvements would be much appreciated.




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Alright lads and lassies as you know summer is nearly here and i didnt want a repeat of last year with me sitting on my arse all day so ive decided to come up with my own little business.

I decided to give vermin control a go.I made up 40 flyers and dropped them off in my local gunshop and farmers market.

I will be shooting rabbits, pigeons , crows magpies rats and foxes for local farmers aswell as trapping and snaring.

My dad helped me design the flyers and i will be shooting on a trainer license off his license.The cost is only 10 euro for the day and i will remove whatever pest is becoming an annoyance.

My company name is the verminator and my slogan is your pests wont be back

Let me know what you guys think of my idea and any other improvements would be much appreciated.





what is a trainer license? do u have insurance?

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quoting "your pests wont be back" sounds too much like a gurantee, can then see you getting called back, with customers expecting work done for FREE


pests do come back, thats why they are classed as pests,

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Don't most folk know some one who would do THAT kind of pest control for free? I mean its just letting someone on their land with a shotgun. IMO apart from large contracts (which are more likely to go to established contractors) the main stay would be wasps, bees, and the use of poison on rodents??? Just a though.


Also - how old are you?

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thanks for the comments lads

im 15 and i will be doing all vermin control with my father.

I am going to see if it takes off before i charge and if people are interested i will look at charging then.


I am new to vermin control and it will be something to do for the summer and hopefully i will gain alot of experience from this.



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Surely a summer job is where you make money??? The verminator is not very original really, try something that sounds less common.


You must mean you are going to be doing your hobby instead of sitting on your arse or getting a proper summer job! No-one will pay you to shoot vermin, people are lining up to do that constantly. You should have some form of insurance. As for the pests won't be back......well you have set yourself up for a big fall there! They will be back thats for sure! :doh: How are you travelling around...push bike?


Not having a dig just saying it won't make any money, it's a hobby not a job. theres a lot more to vermin control than turing up and bunging a few traps around and shooting the odd crow or rat. How often are you planning on checking traps?? Minimum is once EVERY 24hours!

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Look at his location people; its KILDARE, which the last time I looked was Ireland.


I can only give a UK perspective, and things may be very different over there, but as others have said on here, there are often people around to do a bit of shooting (which is very different to pest control) for free.


Insurance is a must, and be aware that if you are charging (that includes doing it for 'reward' other than cash)any free insurance from a gun club or whatever is not going to be valid.


The name 'Verminator' is very common over here, and I'm always surprised that people don't do more research when they choose a name for their business.


At 15, you'd be better off keeping your part time vermin control as a hobby, and looking for some harvest work on farms for a bit of extra cash.


Try advertising for harvest work on some of the farming forums, and you may build a lasting relationship with local landowners that gets you some permission, and possibly more paid work over the coming years.

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Thanks for the replys.

I have done alot of research on the topic and found that there is no vermin control businesses in all of kildare.

As for the name no businesses online or in yellow pages has this name so over here it is pretty unique.

As i have already said i will start it for free and if there is a market for it i will then try to get pay.

Please keep in mind this is a big learning experience for me and im am only trying to get some experience in vermin control and business in general.

My father has given up his time to drive me around and he is also very keen on getting into vermin control.

I am in the process of getting insurance from countryside alliance as i am aware of all requirements.

I will check the traps and snares every evening and i have done alot of research on legal and non legal traps and trapping methods.

This is also a way for me to build up my amount of permissions by building relationships with the farmers and land owners.


Thank you all again for all your information and advice it is all greatly appreciated.





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Thanks for the replys.

I have done alot of research on the topic and found that there is no vermin control businesses in all of kildare.

As for the name no businesses online or in yellow pages has this name so over here it is pretty unique.

As i have already said i will start it for free and if there is a market for it i will then try to get pay.

Please keep in mind this is a big learning experience for me and im am only trying to get some experience in vermin control and business in general.

My father has given up his time to drive me around and he is also very keen on getting into vermin control.

I am in the process of getting insurance from countryside alliance as i am aware of all requirements.

I will check the traps and snares every evening and i have done alot of research on legal and non legal traps and trapping methods.

This is also a way for me to build up my amount of permissions by building relationships with the farmers and land owners.


Thank you all again for all your information and advice it is all greatly appreciated.






every evening u will check traps and snares :hmm: morning is better

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Thanks for the replys.

I have done alot of research on the topic and found that there is no vermin control businesses in all of kildare.

As for the name no businesses online or in yellow pages has this name so over here it is pretty unique.

As i have already said i will start it for free and if there is a market for it i will then try to get pay.

Please keep in mind this is a big learning experience for me and im am only trying to get some experience in vermin control and business in general.

My father has given up his time to drive me around and he is also very keen on getting into vermin control.

I am in the process of getting insurance from countryside alliance as i am aware of all requirements.

I will check the traps and snares every evening and i have done alot of research on legal and non legal traps and trapping methods.

This is also a way for me to build up my amount of permissions by building relationships with the farmers and land owners.


Thank you all again for all your information and advice it is all greatly appreciated.






every evening u will check traps and snares hmm.gif morning is better


This time of year, I'd be checking them at least morning and night....

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Thanks for the replys.

I have done alot of research on the topic and found that there is no vermin control businesses in all of kildare.

As for the name no businesses online or in yellow pages has this name so over here it is pretty unique.

As i have already said i will start it for free and if there is a market for it i will then try to get pay.

Please keep in mind this is a big learning experience for me and im am only trying to get some experience in vermin control and business in general.

My father has given up his time to drive me around and he is also very keen on getting into vermin control.

I am in the process of getting insurance from countryside alliance as i am aware of all requirements.

I will check the traps and snares every evening and i have done alot of research on legal and non legal traps and trapping methods.

This is also a way for me to build up my amount of permissions by building relationships with the farmers and land owners.


Thank you all again for all your information and advice it is all greatly appreciated.






every evening u will check traps and snares hmm.gif morning is better


This time of year, I'd be checking them at least morning and night....




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Drop that slogan like a hot coal, as Stubby says it sounds very much like a guarantee.


A lot of lads, both independent shooters and gun club members will turn out for the summer banging away at crows, pigeons and bunnies. That and the fact farmers will know their pests will be back will disincline them to pay for your services.


We have shot a lot of foxes down this way for farmers, and there is usually great promises of generous payment...


Yeah. Right.


Once a problem is temporarily solved, in the vast majority of cases you'll be forgotten!

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Ok thank you guys

I can check my traps and snares both morning and night if that is required.

I am not trying to set up a full time job here just something to do over the summer and with any luck i will get a few quid.

I am doing it more for a love the sport and also trying to give a hand to people are plaeged with pests.


All of your advice is greatly appreciated.


myles :gunsmilie:

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