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DSC2. An open question.

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Hi, I'm after your honest opinions to a question REGARDLESS of what you think to the DSC.

The DSC2 system is all change now (post june 1st).

The "credible witness's" will be phased out with the old portpholios over the next 3 years.

So then the system will be ALL "Approved witness" stalks.

So WHO do you think in your eyes should form the basis of the system.

WHAT should qualify them for this job??

In therory a newly passed DSC2 candidate could pass through the filters and become an A.W. having only shot deer on their 3 successful stalks. They would need an understanding of the portpholio but that would be given at the briefing.

((Though its certinally not this simple in practice it could possibly be achieved)).



This is an open question to all on this forum, weather stalkers or otherwise...the more views the better


Edited by john robbo
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i dont possess any of these deer stalking tests /or qualifications ...ive been culling deer for near on 30 years dosent make me an expert .,but does make me experienced ..and in my view an answer to your question i think perhaps 3 years actuall experience stalking /culling deer my be the minimum requirement mybe more ,but it would depend ,mybe if the guy /gal is acheiving a high /cull quota per year 3 years might be ok .. varied species :thumbs:

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In my opinion an AW should above all be honest and know his subject thoroughly. length of time stalking doesn't really matter as we have seen on this forum some people think it is a helping hand when it is not it is an assessment of some ones ability so some one who can make decisions with his head not his heart. I would also make it that only cull animals count .

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i think as long as you have a full understanding of all deer species, the stalk, the gralloch, meat hygiene and all other relevant requirements it doesn't really matter how long you've been stalking, in other words if the person knows there stuff thats all that should matter..... oh and the ability to spell portfolio should be necessary as well :D:D:D

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An assessment is just that you are not there to be taught so in that sense the person who is assessing you does not necessarily need experience but just the ability to know if you failing in the assessment criteria.

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Hi john im sure you know my feeling on this & i am in the process of trying to become an AW myself. IMHO there has been candidates got through the system by being wet eared/nursed & as i have made clear before thats not the way for me as a candidate at this level should have the relevent experience. To me they should have had a few beasts under there belt show knowledge/understanding on the species they stalk. They should know there behaviour & how the deer work through times of year etc.

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Hi john im sure you know my feeling on this & i am in the process of trying to become an AW myself. IMHO there has been candidates got through the system by being wet eared/nursed & as i have made clear before thats not the way for me as a candidate at this level should have the relevent experience. To me they should have had a few beasts under there belt show knowledge/understanding on the species they stalk. They should know there behaviour & how the deer work through times of year etc.

Absolute agreement. :thumbs:

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Vmax you will no doubt get your chance to show what you know mate. I had to stalk and shoot an deer do the full gralloch and larder doing a full talk through .After that i had to take my assessor out and Simulate an AW stalk with him then it was on to a real one with him watching ps i had to supply the area and the deer not easy for some.

In my opinion thats the correct way no gold hand shakes or back handed dealing.

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I'm sure you will be fine Vmax.

Like W.v. I had to prove myself.

I had to first do 8-10 C.W. stalks before I felt confident enough to get sponsored.

Then go out in the field and do an exam with a candidate AND my sponsor. We were lucky enough to shoot stalk a deer (not easy with 3 of you together) and then do a follow up and a gralloch. Then back to mine to do the lardering and paperwork.(all under his(sponsor/assessor)watchful eye.)

Then he briefed me on what I needed to produce in future stalks and set me on the path I currently walk.

21+ years in the field(stalking) well over 1,000 deer to my own rifle and many many with friends guests and clients.

We are all differing in experience but as long we have some field background and a commitment and believe in the dsc then I think we are almost there.

The only good thing with the C.W.'s is it gave them like me a dry run or two to get things in order before becomming an A.W.

Without a field exam under a watchful eye I think this is the main part which is now excluded.

Edited by john robbo
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