mackay 3,440 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 The internet can be a great thing, or not. People can talk to each other and tell of their experiences and this is how we can compare things and perhaps learn something. I've had ferrets since 1977, I don't class myself as anything other than a ferret owner, but lately, especially in the ferreting section we've got a certain few people who consider themselves the oracle of all things ferrety and ridicule and call people down when their opinions differ. Keep an open mind is the order of the day. We're all still capable of learning somrthing new. 2 Quote Link to post
welsh_hunter12 120 Posted May 26, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 The internet can be a great thing, or not. People can talk to each other and tell of their experiences and this is how we can compare things and perhaps learn something. I've had ferrets since 1977, I don't class myself as anything other than a ferret owner, but lately, especially in the ferreting section we've got a certain few people who consider themselves the oracle of all things ferrety and ridicule and call people down when their opinions differ. Keep an open mind is the order of the day. We're all still capable of learning somrthing new. thank you all for the replys im guna go with the jill jab.thanks Quote Link to post
tote 856 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 nothing mate, as long as you keep there housing clean they will be fine. You been living on another planet? Dont listen to some of the above mate I've two five year old jills at the moment mate and never used any of the methods suggested, I had two litter sisters go to thirteen and fourteen were never mated or any of the methods suggested used. This topic rears its head regurarly and it has been asked, has anyone actually lost a jill through leaving unmated or using one of the methods?. 13 and 14 yrs old, aye whatever.. yes and yet again we have another tosser. and what do you know about ferrets that will take up more than writing on a postage stamp. As for having the right to an opinion - i totally agree - however as i learnt before it is important to have a balanced answer to these questions not just an assertion that one way is right and everyone else is a fool. I totally agree with you Jai when you say,-" it is important to have a balanced answer to these questions not just an assertion that one way is right and everyone else is a fool." But as you can see from some of the above quotes from this thread that isn't always the case. It looks to me that it's either their way or the highway for a certain few on here. Quote Link to post
romany52 313 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 I've two five year old jills at the moment mate and never used any of the methods suggested, I had two litter sisters go to thirteen and fourteen were never mated or any of the methods suggested used. This topic rears its head regurarly and it has been asked, has anyone actually lost a jill through leaving unmated or using one of the methods?. 13 and 14 yrs old, aye whatever.. Why do you scoff mate, I've have had a fare few go to 11 and 12 . Quote Link to post
jenksi87 3 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 The internet can be a great thing, or not. People can talk to each other and tell of their experiences and this is how we can compare things and perhaps learn something. I've had ferrets since 1977, I don't class myself as anything other than a ferret owner, but lately, especially in the ferreting section we've got a certain few people who consider themselves the oracle of all things ferrety and ridicule and call people down when their opinions differ. Keep an open mind is the order of the day. We're all still capable of learning somrthing new. of course. fair play to everyone that does jab ther jill or put it with snipped hob. i'm just saying that i, aswell as many others dont. and with daily cleaning theres been no problems. anyway, each to their own and all........ must have caught me in a bad mood for me to bite jenks Quote Link to post
ferretertom 7 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 A friend of mine lost some jills last year due to them being left. I keep a hob thats been vasectomised most good ferreters have one and are willing to let others use it. There are a few good vets that will charge about £3 for a hormone injection per ferret. It can be a good investment to get a jill spayed aswell. They are at a high risk of infection they dont ALWAYS die but in my opinion its not worth the risk she will loose weight and can become aneimic. Do right by your ferrets as best you can in this day and age theres no excuse howether its not a good idea churning out loads of kits eigher. Quote Link to post
para1 11 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 Mate your a fecking tosspot, you run a rescue and you think your the resident expert, that positions taken. Just because you haven't experienced what I'm saying doesn't mean it's untrue. i might run a rescue and have never once claimed to be an expert let alone a resident expert, there are some folk on this forum who do give good sound advice and i have no doubt they know as much as me about ferrets if not more, but then we have the folk like yourself that keep coming on giving people some dumb ass advice. mate stick to a gold fish and even then i doubt it last a week in your care. Here we go again.Who are you to say his advice is dumb ass mate.I have kept ferrets untill 10yrs old and never mated.Yes the vets will tell you they need mating and the pricks that don't no any better will.You tell a kid that his ferret will die if he don't (1)get a jill jab (Money he hasn't got)(2)sniped hob he can't get.(3)Mate it.Another 12 ferrets to rescue ££££.You could of course tell him,keep your Jill clean & well fed she will be fine. P1 1 Quote Link to post
jenksi87 3 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 is there any more of you out there that dont bring your jills out of season? Quote Link to post
dytkos 17,861 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 Dont listen to some of the above mate if a jill is left in season she will become very distressed and prance up and down her cage and will loose condition, however this is the best you can hope for as there a high risk she will get aplasic anemia this is a bone marrow disease and alot not all ferret die from this every year,some ferrets will manage to recover from it for maybe a year or two but would you be willing to risk your best working jill knowing she might die if the following options are not taken. 1, get her spayed 2, jill jab,price varys from vet to vet 3, hormone implant 4, put to a proven vas hob. if you ont belive this then why dont you try reading up on it on the computer or in books surly these people cant be wrong. Spot on mate Cheers, D. Quote Link to post
para1 11 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 is there any more of you out there that dont bring your jills out of season? Lots I know mate. Quote Link to post
tjones3862 3,423 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 you decided that your little smart comments werent called for then willueh? as soon as someone challenges your opinions you have nothing to say, not at least until you have googled it i suggest you stop preaching on here and sit back and try and listen to what other people have to say. if your unable to listen to other peoples opinions and stories, without calling them liars then you are in the wrong place! my way or the highway isnt what THL is about is it?? cap end well said Quote Link to post
tjones3862 3,423 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 you decided that your little smart comments werent called for then willueh? as soon as someone challenges your opinions you have nothing to say, not at least until you have googled it i suggest you stop preaching on here and sit back and try and listen to what other people have to say. if your unable to listen to other peoples opinions and stories, without calling them liars then you are in the wrong place! my way or the highway isnt what THL is about is it?? cap end well said Quote Link to post
sue 1 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 I will add my opinion now, ive done all 4 options available when my jills have come into season,breeding a no no why have all the unwanted litters ,jab made all the jills scream so i assume it must have been a tad painful,leaving in season nearly lost one of my best jills to infection never again ,snipped hob all the way worth every penny and never have to worry about my jills ,he lives with them and castrated hobs all the time all get on well and the hob does his job . but i suppose its all down to preference but i would recommened get a hob snipped to everyone Quote Link to post
salclalin 240 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 is there any more of you out there that dont bring your jills out of season? My Two Jills are in Season at the Moment.Both are 6yrs old and have Never Been Mated and will never be Mated.They have Never Lost Condition.The only Thing i Have Noticed is that they Do Moult Earlier than Normal.Their Hutch is Kept Clean And They get the Best Food.Rabbit/Pigeon/Squirrel Etc.In 35yrs of Keeping Ferrets i've only Bred one Litter. Quote Link to post
wullieh 53 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Share Posted May 26, 2010 you decided that your little smart comments werent called for then willueh? as soon as someone challenges your opinions you have nothing to say, not at least until you have googled it i suggest you stop preaching on here and sit back and try and listen to what other people have to say. if your unable to listen to other peoples opinions and stories, without calling them liars then you are in the wrong place! my way or the highway isnt what THL is about is it?? cap end if anybody challenged me with somthing decent to answer too then i would reply and if i have missed somthing then i am sorry. Quote Link to post
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