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playing out for the second time

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hiya everyone :clapper:

my dad took me out yesterday, at about 4pm. when we first got there, we zeroed the scopes on my new gun :dance: :D ( :signthankspin: shay !!)


when we got further into the night, we split up on the field and i had my first time alone :clapper: i got 3 kills but they were keep kicking themselves down the holes!


me and my dad met up and he showed me his kills... 1 rabbit,lol.

we decided to stick together for the last hour, and i got my very first rabbit with my s200 at 30m kneeling shot :yahoo:


when we were on our way down the hill, heading for the car we saw another little bunny sitting in a hole, so, i shot him at 20m lying shot :hunter: :hunter:


we couldnt get any pictures because when we were finished, it was too dark!

i wonder when we're going out tomorrow :whistling: :whistling: :11:


but at the end of the day, i got 2 rabbits, dad got one :boogie:

i'll try and get some photos uploaded of the s200, for some reason they wont upload :o


atb shannon ;)




Edited by kershan
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Good shooting Shannon!


You get kickers occasionally if your shot placement is just a bit off. I'm sure your dad explained, you've got a good teacher hahah!


Anyway keep on practising and taking down those bunnies!



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Well done Shannon :clapper:


I see your teaching the old fella how to shoot again :thumbs:


Were the bunnies sat over their holes Shannon?


The reason i ask as they sometimes manage to jump down their hole if shot in the head due to nerves and muscle memory.


Your dad has probably told you but try waiting until they are 1 to 2 metres from their hole before shooting them Shannon.


You will get more in the game bag then girl.


Best of luck with the new rifle.



Edited by zini
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hi ya shannon

looks like your getting on with the s200 them bab good to see you out shooting your dad already lol and i bet you sooooo rub it in that you had 2 and dad 1 :tongue2: lol




great shooting and pictures shannon and nice write up as well :thumbs:

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thankyou everyone :tongue2:


@pest hunter, lol yeah, thats when i didnt have bipods, but ive stolen my dads (hehe)


@si, i'll remember that next time! i just panic when i see a rabbit, and i wanna get stuck in and shoot it as soon as i see it, but i'll get used to being patient haha


@shay, hehe, and thankyou for the gun, its coooooooooool :D i love it!



atb shannon :clapper:

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