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hi all just wondering if anyone has tried em as i bought a tin for my 177 webley raider but found that they were all over the place up down left right with about a 7" spread :icon_eek: i put aa fields back in and it clover leafed at 30m :toast: i've heard of certain barrels not taking to pellets but this was not normal :blink: and yes i checked em for weight and damage and fill pressure everything was fine :yes:

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Garf me old buddy,


Sounds like your barrel dont like em at all.

I thought my gun was giving me grief when I tried the Milbro Caledonian pellets ang was getting a 4 inch group :icon_eek:

Then I tried a new unopened tin last week or so back and still got a 4 inch group, and you've seen the kinda groups I like to get



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Hi, mate.


Those and Baracuds were the ONLY pellets my HW90 grouped well with when it was .177 (now .20).


I tried all the major brands and was convinced I bought a duff rifle as the best I could get from any pellet was around 4" at 30 yards. Tried the Baracuds's first and they were pretty much pellet on pellet. The JSB's I only tried a couple of years back and the were as good as the Bara's.


Funny things, airguns......



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cheers Davy i knew they were a good pellet thats why i thought i would give em a try but 7" spread was too much looked like i'd shot at the target with a scatter gun :thumbdown: and Tony your right mate some guns just REALLY dont like certain pellets but i found the result extreme to say the least :big_boss:

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2 week old webley raider 10 shot BOB in .177 :thumbs:


For Hunting try Exterminator / Logun Penetrators @ 9.50 Grains

I do 500 Exterminators @ £10.00 UK Posted :thumbs:


Defiants @ 7.50 Grains would also go well - Really fly well

Expect 4.52's would be best

I do boxes of 1,000 @ £13.00 UK Posted





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Nowt like good ol'e Bob getting an advert for his business eh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Didn't you get banned from BBS for that bud, really peeves me that they did that when they only allow EDWARD to advertise on there :angry:



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