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Back boiler.........to put a back boiler behind a coal fire, would the whole chimney breast have to be removed and rebuilt, or how does it happen?

And does anyone have a rough idea of price to do it plus put a new hotwater tank from it into the loft. And is it possible to have the new hotwater tank plus the old one in the cupboard with the immersion heater or is it just one or the other?


And do builders bum's come as standard or do you have to pay more :hmm:




Actually ive just thought, the hotwater tank would be behind the fire would'nt it??? If so can i still keep the one in the cupboard with the immersion heater? :wacko:

Edited by MOLLY
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There an industry standard, and if you get bored, good to

try to land small copper coins in from a distance.



Depends on the size of the fire place, but normally they just fit in

behind the fire, and the only mods to the fire place are the holes drilled for the pipes.


edited to add, yes you will keep your immersion heater where it is, and the hot water

from the back boiler is piped into it, to supliment it.

Edited by Paid
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Sorry Paid, i dont understand :blink:

How can it fit behind the fire, its solid at the back of the fire, they would have to remove the bricks etc would'nt they?....How big is it?

And how does the hot water get from behind the fire into the tank?


The copper coins bit has me completely lost im afraid :hmm:


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Thanks Showman, ORT....thats a bit clearer :D


pockets....No gas here for a combi, no nothing except coal fires.

loganwyli.....Unfortunately there is'nt one there to take out. The previous tenent pinched the old range and bricked up the huge fireplace leaving just a normal small open fire, without installing a back boiler.


Does anyone have a rough idea of price, as i tend to get ripped off being a lone female.


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