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Cheers guys for all your kind comments and support. I really apprieciate having good friends on here.


Regarding ghost maker if he feels he needs to take centre Stage he can do as I have nothing to prove to anyone.


I do my shooting and I enjoy it I also enjoy passing on my experience to help others. I've never been a arm chair hunter, someone who reads a mag and thinks he can shoot and hunt.


I go out and do the training to enable me to get the most out of my sport.


Maybe he as Removed the clip joey as he feels embarresed with himself now mate.


Like I said he did apologise and I accepted it.


I'll have to look at his clips and see what he's done out in the field.



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Ive had a few dealings with Ghostmaker , a few chats , nothing more than most . I`ve had a few dealings with lots of folk over the years on various sites , some have become great friends , others have

the video which zini links to is now gone. but i did look at some of ghost hunter's ther vids. is anyone else concerned that he is publishing bomb making manuals in video form? 'the bunny bunker bu

i've watched your vids and found em properly useful si, as far as i can see you've nowt to gain by helping him do anything video wise mate... unless you fancy making a 2 hour film showing your R10 fro

ha ha i went to check out the comments on his youtube video and mine has been removed along with other folks negative comments.seems the bat fastard can give it out but doesnt like taking it.i am banned from putting a comment on now......boooohoooooo the big fat baby cannae tak it and has thrown his toys out of the pram.bet he didnt throw out his pies, crisps and sweeties though.jeez i'm in a bitchy mood the day,but morons like him get on my wick.i bet he wouldnt say that sh*t to your face si



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the video which zini links to is now gone. but i did look at some of ghost hunter's ther vids. is anyone else concerned that he is publishing bomb making manuals in video form? 'the bunny bunker buster bomb'? is this guy for real?



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Hiya Si.


Sorry to read about all this mate.

Tried to view the link, but as already been said.....its gone now.

We appreciate the time and effort you put into your vid's buddy.


At least the guy had the cojones to say sorry.


If you want to swop any dungerees or checked shirts anytime......give me a bell.....I have a wardrobe full ;):D


Water of a duck's back mate.



Take Care.




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Cheers lads :thumbs:


Just goes to show what team work can do and the power of many :clapper:


Yes it was good of him to say sorry and shows that he's not all bad and is willing to admit when he is wrong.


He wants me to make a video with him on rifle calibration.


Im not sure what he means though.


Maybe he means scope calibration :hmm:


If its something to do with the internals of a rifle and engineering he is on about i wont be able to help him as i dont know much about it.



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Cheers lads :thumbs:


Just goes to show what team work can do and the power of many :clapper:


Yes it was good of him to say sorry and shows that he's not all bad and is willing to admit when he is wrong.


He wants me to make a video with him on rifle calibration.


Im not sure what he means though.


Maybe he means scope calibration :hmm:


If its something to do with the internals of a rifle and engineering he is on about i wont be able to help him as i dont know much about it.






Hi Si.



Hmmmmm :hmm: Think I'd accept his apology and then give him a wide birth......just my thought's mate :yes: .





Bill. :)

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Yeah Bill thats what i am doing mate.


I have plenty of ideas brewing in my head for new and exciting stuff to film and do mate.


I am happy to do my own stuff.


Ive looked at his site anyway mate and he is more into doing little reviews and doesnt show any hunting or shooting beyond his garden shed range.


Not really my thing that mate.


I like to get out and use the rifle for what it was designed for.



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hi ya si

well said bill and si

the use of a gun is for too things target and hunting we use alot of hunting guns and do alot of hunting it goes to show that a arm chair hunter aint got a clue like bill said wide birth buddy



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hi si


in his profile

Movies:The Goonies Oh & Predator Arni rocks in this flick


haven't seen the youtube clip,but by the sounds of it.

he was the star! of goonies :laugh:





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Yeah Davy,


I think he definatley made himself look a bit silly mate :thumbs: .


He was even swearing in the clip trying to take me off and do some sort of a Yorkshire accent and impression.


The thing is though Davy Im not from Yorkshire, Im from Mansfield in Nottinghamshire and I dont swear in my clips either :laugh:


He was talking about gravity and started talking about neutons over metres which is a unit expressing how much force is required to stretch or compress something over a given distance.


Totally the wrong word for gravity, but Hay Ho as they say.



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i've watched your vids and found em properly useful si, as far as i can see you've nowt to gain by helping him do anything video wise mate... unless you fancy making a 2 hour film showing your R10 from every angle that is :whistling:


keep doing what you do best, showing chairgunners what huntings about and helping us hunters out with the benefits of your experience please buddy


besides hed only steal yer lunch when you werent looking...


all the best, wurz

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