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Hi guys,


This is the sort of crap i get sent daily from narrow minded people on YouTube.


I used to think that this bloke was ok until he did this.


I’m starting to think that I will close my account on YouTube and do my shooting for myself without posting on there.


There are too many idiots about and my wife watched this and it offended her as you can imagine.


Even after he back winded and tried to justify himself with a joke I didn’t think it was funny.


I think he is trying to portray me as a thick, stuttering, Yorkshire, Hill Billy or something.


Quite funny from a toothless, overweight, pie eating bloke.


Here is the link to the footage.





Edited by zini
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Ive had a few dealings with Ghostmaker , a few chats , nothing more than most . I`ve had a few dealings with lots of folk over the years on various sites , some have become great friends , others have

the video which zini links to is now gone. but i did look at some of ghost hunter's ther vids. is anyone else concerned that he is publishing bomb making manuals in video form? 'the bunny bunker bu

i've watched your vids and found em properly useful si, as far as i can see you've nowt to gain by helping him do anything video wise mate... unless you fancy making a 2 hour film showing your R10 fro

I wouldnt even entertain the guy with a response to it mate. Your vids are excellent. For people like me, someone who has only really taken up the sport in the last year, and only started taking it seriously in the last 3 or 4 months, I get a lot of info and learn a lot from your vids, as well as your posts on here, so keep it up and dont let :wankerzo4: like that stop you.


BTW you can count me in for a copy of your new dvd when its ready, as well as the other 2 you have done if possible





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Cheers John :thumbs:


It will always be the case mate.


Some people will enjoy the clips and learn from them and some will moan about them and pick fault with them.


Its just life.


Obviously GHOST MAKER has found the path to enlightment already and has learnt all there is to learn about shooting.


To be fair to the bloke he did send me a PM early this morning and apologies for the clip.



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morning si

well i dont know what to say buddy i dont know whehter to they take the pi-- out of the dvd's as they cant make them ? or it makes them feel better as they cant shhot for sh-t ? or to fat to walk around to hunt ? and lost his teeth trying to walk around hunting and rolled onto his face :thumbs: or his wife knocked them out


but si no matter what anyone one says mate we have all seen your dvd's and my lad brenden has learnt alot as well as me buddy so f--k em AND BRENDEN SAID YOUR DVD'S ROCK :clapper::clapper::thumbs:



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listen mate i love watching your vids.you are one of the most knowlegeable people i have watched or read on airgunning.that bat fastard thought he was being smart taking the p*ss but all he did was show himself up.and he,s wearing a celtic top i know where he got that, tents are us lol .please do not stop making your videos as some of us actually look forward to watching them.as for thr pie muncher if he thinks people up north are rough,tell him to keep coming north past the border way past where his team play in glasgow and we will teach him some manners,and tell him where to get some teeth(though if he;s that much of an arse in real life he wont keep them long) keep doing what you do si i for one would miss your vids

best regards


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i wouldnt worry about him mate just look what youve done with your life si places youve been people youve met then just look at your family and friends buddy ....he looks like he's never moved of the couch and all he can do is take the piss out of people who have a life ...(id love to see him cover the miles we walk on an average night shooting ) the only time he'd move quicker would be down him and thats only cos he'd roll better the fat useless twat!!!



atb gary

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haha i wouldnt get offended by any one who blocks a hole in their ceiling with a dog teddy! he probably pulled his own teeth out so he can get food down quicker! haha


jealousy is a funny thing mate! makes people act like complete tossers, as proved in this vid.


keep up the good work pal

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Ive had a few dealings with Ghostmaker , a few chats , nothing more than most . I`ve had a few dealings with lots of folk over the years on various sites , some have become great friends , others have been banished to the `ignore list` I tend not to say a lot these days , as there`s always someone that want`s to shoot you down . I find the competitive side of people dissapointing , as no matter what you say or do , someone`s done it better ! Or they lay claim to have .Pay no mind to it , its just competition bringing out that side of him . Just think about the answers that come before it turns into a slanging match ( ive seen on here many times ) and try to take the moral high ground , its easy to `shout the odds ` but a better response would be let him reflect on his own spite . On another note , Si , will try and sort something out for early July , Bust .

Edited by Buster321c
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I left him a little comment. Just for laughs as always :angel:


Reads like this:


" The only thing funny about this was that the prick with ears needed to film himself through a mirror!

Perhaps he'd rather risk the mirror breaking than the lens on the camera LOL.

If I were this guy, my priority would be put down the camera and go find a dentist for some new front teeth.

I wonder did he have Mr Pittaways permission to use his copyrighted DVD cover?

I've seen people fined for much less! "


Copyright and "INTELECTUAL PROPERTY" violation is an international offence :yes:

You tube would have his nuts on a plate for using your image Si, you may wish to take it up with them ;)



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Hi si buddi


there are words for people like this, cock would be one of the only one i can uses on hear.


dont let the big fat gaped toothd yokal bring you down mate.


if he could still reach or even see his cock to wank he would be doing that instead,but as he carnt


hes having a pop at you.


As said above its amasing what bordom will do when you can no longer clime over the gate to your permission,


and are forever confined to you couch.


forget it mate we all no you and your vids are much better than him.


All the best mate.


Andy :thumbs:

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