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tred mills how many on here use them!!!!

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Hi mate i brought one two years ago but have never used it yet, i can see how they can be useful as there would not be so much concusion on there legs and its a gentle way of getting them over strains and bumps, plus you can see how far they have been, i train mine up on the bike or get them to chase the quad,keeping them to just a fast trot for around a mile to start moving up to 2 to 2 and a half miles over a month, then they are ready to lamp, i always say they get lamping fit after 2 weeks of getting back out there on the job, plus all the biking make me fit enough to walk the fields too,

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A brilliant tool for checking for lameness, giving gentle exercise for a dog recovering from injury, exercising when the weather is really bad and as additional exercise.


People always say there a lazy man's tool but most people use them for additional training, it can't replace the mental stimulation a walk gives.

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if dog feels comfartable running on mills they will be ok but if it tightens up and dosent relax after a couple of weeks i wouldnt bother as it could lead to long term muscle and feet problems . i put mine on for 15mins to sharpen them up but i still do pavement work which is the foundation stone of dogs health

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id really like a slat mill, there is nothing lazy about it at all cause the dogs are still getting worked still getting road work but the mill is extra so really its the totally opposite to lazy you are in creasing the dogs excercise while allso allowing you to check the dog over as she trots.

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  On 22/05/2010 at 01:39, Kye said:

Lazy dosnt come into it! Mills, used in CONJUNCTION with other methods, are a very handy tool in getting any dog fit! No one method should be used on its own imo.

exact reason why iv just bought one,well put mate :thumbs:

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These people condeming them do they hold full time jobs that are physically demanding and takeing a dog out for 3 or 4 hours could be imposible better to have a dog fully fit [bANNED TEXT] the you do have the time and if useing a tred mill helps only the dog will benefit.atb dell

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