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Keeping hobs and jills together all of the time!!

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After getting quite a bit of contradicting advice from various people could you please clarify if I can or can't.


I am wanting to keep 2 or 3 jills and a vacectomised hob. Can I keep them all in the same hutch all year round even when the jills come into season. The hob should keep the jills happy and bring them out of season even though he is firing blanks, but once the hob has got his end away should I seperate them or is it ok to just leave them all in the same hutch together all of the time.


I'm just getting back into keeping ferrets after nearly 20 years and cant remember things being this complicated when I kept them before. All I want is a few working jills, but have been told to gat a vacectomised hob as well, ideally I wanted to just keep all my ferrets together.


Could you please give me your oppinion and any advice!

Edited by THE GRIFF
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After getting quite a bit of contradicting advice from various people could you please clarify if I can or can't.


I am wanting to keep 2 or 3 jills and a vacectomised hob. Can I keep them all in the same hutch all year round even when the jills come into season. The hob should keep the jills happy and bring them out of season even though he is firing blanks, but once the hob has got his end away should I seperate them or is it ok to just leave them all in the same hutch together all of the time.


I'm just getting back into keeping ferrets after nearly 20 years and cant remember things being this complicated when I kept them before. All I want is a few working jills, but have been told to gat a vacectomised hob as well, ideally I wanted to just keep all my ferrets together.


Could you please give me your oppinion and any advice!


i keep all my jills that are not being covered in with my vacectomised hob all year round no probs.


atb Matt

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i think it depends on the hob ... if he is bothering the jills all the time & there necks are sore & scabby then i wouldn't leave him in all the time


if however he is the sort of hob who simply services the jills when there in need of it & then goes about his business with no pestering then yes ... i was lucky enough to keep a vasecotomised hob ..jills & a couple of castrated hobs all in the same run for years with no problems at all :thumbs: :thumbs:

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