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Was I legal?

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As im on the list locally as a humane despatcher then heres my take on it .If i get a call ,usually at night ,i ask if the deer is mobile or not .This dictates the weapon i will carry .The weapon is up to me ,my choice including the .410 shotgun .If im not available i can send a mate who can again take whatever weapon he likes excluding air obviously .A shot to the head with anything cartridge wise will humanely despatch deer .I can enter any property when accompanied by a copper who does not need to notify the landowner .The landowner is notified to arrange recovery of the carcass by council insinerator operatives .There is never questions asked about means or motive ,if its hit then its shot .The calibe is not an issue but im not sure about the unauthorised person bit .Muntjac are the worst as they can take a bit of finding .

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I was out this morning at around 6 in my van when I passed a big old roe doe at the side of the road. She had been knocked and her back end was in a right mess but she was trying to sit up at the side of the road.

I went back home and got my rifle and went back and put her down as Im as soft as shite when I see something like this. The vet would have definately put her down so i figured why prolong the obvious agony.

Now the area in question was near houses and i had the option of a 22lr or a 223, neither of which are cleared for deer, so i decided to go for the 22lr as i didnt want to wake the houses up at that time with gunfire.

I shot her twice and she died surprisingly fast but was this legal? My licence is open, but it was on a main road and with a 22lr.

Well done chap!

You did exactly the right thing, Legal well I doubt it?

But you did the RIGHT thing, anyone of us who shoot knows the score.

Don't shout about it but I support you 100%

All the best!

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