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Just recently my lurcher has become aggresive towards other dogs hes fine when we go out hunting with the smallest of terriers and other luchers but ,when i exercie him with my other two dogs on the feild in front of my house he has attacked two dogs for no apparent resone he is three and half years of age and has never shown aggresion like it before .I only use him for for rabbits both with ferrets and on the lamp he does listen to me and can be called of a fleaing rabbit with in reason although he didnt listen to me when he set of after these dogs although he was good disstance away, just before christmas i had taken him a walk on the night with the other two as it was getting dark as i headed towards a river bank both the other dogs came to heal with no command wich i found strange whilest he dissapered just out of sight as i got up on the in bankment i noticed he had somthing on the floor i thought it was a rabbit when he didnt retreive it i walked over to find he had taken a big dog fox and killed it litrally in a matter of seconds he has never seen a fox ever would this have anything to do with his aggresion or is he thinking that the feild is his patch and no other dogs are allowed the other two dogs show no aggresion to other dogs and one of them is a german shepard who is older at 4years and would defernatly say is the alpha male any advise would be helpful

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this problem may get worse mate agression in dogs are usually triggered by advent in the dogs life that makes them go on the defence. To test if its a mental issue bring a friendly stranger into the house if the dog ignores your get to bed and decides this strangers here to pet and make a fuss of the dog then the aggression is from a confidence issue regarding his place. lot of work needed the dogs looking for a freind a master stop hunting him for a while make him your pal.

Edited by fellpack
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