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times for lamping.

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their no best time ,all depends whats on, and permiss or not , the later the better ,but lately when its cold tonight they feck of back into the woods after a feed ,unless there a stubble for them to lye out on and chew the growth comeing through ,loclay late on is best for rabbit and fox but every thing else 7 onwards

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you will see animals out feeding all during the hours of darkness ;)


Its upto YOU when you go out, you will have seen people saying they are out early morning, they have their own reasons.


Some people don't even start till 1 in the morning and lamp until its too light.


Personally if i am having a walk on permission i will go out around about 9, this gives me time to get home from work, relax and have my tea. Our average walk will see us setting off at 9 and getting back for 1ish.


As someone mentioned, when you go out late, the land-owners are in bed :good:

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Guest Taffydog

you find the ones that go out so late mainly poach the land ,they go so late because they no that farmers are in bed and there less likely to get run off the land.i tend to go out about 10ish happy hunting taffydog

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