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high lone some hounds

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jack rabits in new mexico are were we hunt are been getting chased pretty hars for a godfew decade o are shar you need a fast strong pacy type to get on them as its all brush long grass short in bits no arable flat land ,the ground is tough on dogs feet ,saluki fied or dogs with to much coat like deerhoundy type are not so good as its hot to at times , the best dogs ive saw were dogs that can run at apace for three minutes, not the type of ground for looliping types as the jack is very fast and the ground favours him ,youll npt get many dogs down there killing them single but on the arable land theere do more feeding not as tough ,to catch our hares are easier as they atre beeter fed the land sometimes suits the dog ,and on big land the dog has time to thinkover therre max two minutes to three minutes then cactus ,plus you dont see jack rabbits there as they hide then woosh there gone and you hope your dog is fast enough to wheel him in , and got good feet to last ,great sport

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I have just had a holiday In New Mexico very nice place I hunted with a friend of Dutch Salmons a Fellow By the name of David Hise. they have been hunting buddies for many years. I beleive dutchs health is not he best these days.


We hunted jack Rabbits for 2 days these jack rabbits that live in the desert are as hard and fast as any Ive seen and it takes a very good dog to course them.




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stayede over at old daves got an asortment of dogs and animals for training them , had a hawg hunt to good ole bhoy ,saw some nice prohghorn out side his house ,did you have alook out on the apache reservaitions or some oth the ranches or did you go down the pecos river bottoms mate

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Hi Whin ya we went to a resevation near Alber. I went down to davids with Ernst Echwald from Alber. we were ment to have a hog hunt but time didnt allow those prong horn were every where around the areas we hunted and his house . David is a terrific old boy and a wealth of knowledge. he sure has some dogs and those hogs in his training pen are pretty implesive as well.

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ye hees got some nice ones ,to many dogs when iwas there but hees happy with them , we hnted all along the pecos , the brown ranch , then over to milt garrets for a few days two we had some good chasing ,and fun good crack milt garret bobby whithead anotherr to good dog lads over there

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David said to me that those new mexican rabbits have pinned the ears back on more than a few of those rabbit hunters from other parts of the states who have come out their to see how good their dogs are.



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ye heees not as fit as he was but still walks all day with water and back pack hikes camps out and hunts 2 to 3 times aweek so hees still keen and wants to pop over here for afew weeks hunting so hees not that bad ,

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thats good to here. I had It pretty easy when hunting with David as here has a polaris 4wheeler that sits 3 with a drop box on the back didnt raise a sweat the hole time I was their. Not sure of the ranches we hunted on all I know is that they went on for ever.


Those 3 dogs I put up are Davids rabbit dogs 5/8 saluki and 3/8 coyote dog good smart hard running dogs.

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Sounds good Ive got another good friend over there as well that spends alot of her time fighting the anti hunting lobby to keep it free for hunting.


Also got to hunt with some spanish Galgos they were pretty good for a purbreed as well.

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