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To teach a new dog to jump or NOT?

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the land we hunt varies but i teach all my dogs to jump even spanials.i got this lad when he was 12months old and he couldnt get in the back of the motor without climbing.it got embarresing having to lift him over fences for the first month or 2 so in my mind it is necessiary to teach all dogs to jump.atvb


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where i go with my dogs theres loads of fences. so i need to teach my dogs to jump, either that a would be lifting them over fences all day and they would miss a lot of game if they go through the fence into the next park and all you can do is stand and watch them. so teaching a dog to jump is a must for me


atb poacherman

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Don't think I've been anywhere that doesn't require a dog to jump. My 22 inch bitch will jump any thing on comand, and my 7 month old pup has been jumping barbed wire fences since 5 month. Jumped her first five bar gate the other week so I am pleased with her progress

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Day time jumping is nec but I don't teach lamping dogs to jump, where I work it's mainly devon banks with wire either side so not very jumpable, the bunnis are running to buries in the bank rather than going through so a jumper would miss the bounce backs.

As usual horses for courses.

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