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fenn egg trap or diy modification?

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I have come across this interesting old fenn trap with a rather tired painted wooden egg attached to the trigger plate. Does anybody know if this is original or has somebody made a wooden egg, painted it and fixed it to the plate :hmm: And what would of been the pest in question, small mammal or bird maybe, what do you think, regards mike :thumbs:



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  On 18/05/2010 at 15:31, theobenmike said:

I have come across this interesting old fenn trap with a rather tired painted wooden egg attached to the trigger plate. Does anybody know if this is original or has somebody made a wooden egg, painted it and fixed it to the plate :hmm: And what would of been the pest in question, small mammal or bird maybe, what do you think, regards mike :thumbs:




Used as a pole trap for corvids I would imagine,

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Presuming that the egg has been nailed or glued to the plate, rather than sitting in a cut out oval in the plate, I can tell you that it has been adapted by a keeper as a crow trap, now illegal by the way (the setting of it, not the keeping of it!)


A nice old thing to keep as a talking point though



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Cheers for the replies, modified corvid trap it is then :yes: OTC - the egg has been nailed from underneath the trigger plate. It always fascinates me the time and effort that has gone into the art of trapping in the past (and present), from the old blacksmith making traps to the trappers modifications such as this, all good stuff :thumbs:

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Back in the day when it was legal, it was a top way of flattenin any straggler corbies n maggies that didnt gan into the larsen or cages.... when a was a lad we aalways covered the trap t' make it blend in perfectly with its surroundings, in the hedge bottom or wherever. Before it was hidden, we would tap a banty egg onto the plate enough to make it sit level, then adjust it to a sensitive position. Worked a treat.... nowadays i use a .17 hmr :gunsmilie:

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  On 18/05/2010 at 17:49, John Keswick said:

This thread along with its picture is just trouble and ammuntion for the antis.


Should be deleted right away! :no:

dont be daft... theres nothing wrong with talking about old traps and trapping methods :wallbash: Jeez if we cant talk about the times of the past anymore then we really are in a fecking bad way in this pathetic nanny state :no:


The antis... f**k off! they dont need ammo, they make their own bullshit every day... this is a trapping style from THE PAST!! It in no way effects what we do today :doh:


All of the other old traps and methods are very well documented, if the anti's need such pictures they are easy to find... feck i could pop up page after page of old keepers sheds lined with sparrowhawks, and old brock in makeshift legholds and gins, if they want old pics of times gone by that are now illegal, they have a healthy selection for fucks sake...


what exactly are they gonna do with this then? Arrest the origional poster? Come off it!!

Edited by HALTY LAD
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I strongly disagree John, this trap is not stated as being in use or even considered to be used - it is an old relic trap that has been found which needed identifying. It is no worse than showing an old spear mole trap - both are old and now either illegal for use or frowned upon at least in the case of the mole trap but still perfectly fine for discussion in my opinion.


I care not about the 'antis' and what they might 'think' of old traps, there is no law preventing their display or suchlike and I am perfectly happy to comment on any that are shown in this manner on this forum.


I would like to say though that I would not ever condone their use at all



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Whatever! When that photo ends up on the lacs website, dont go complaining.


You can bet your life that they wont say its a trap of yesteryear and very likely make a point of saying that the photo was of a trap in use today.


To be honest, any modern fenn could be adapted in this way.

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I am well aware of the laws regarding the use of spring traps, which traps are legal and for which quarry, the siting and checking of them and use of tunnels etc, etc.

I would like to clarify that I would never dream of using this sort of trap and understand it is for collection/display only, along with many others that I have - mainly gin traps including a nice gilpa dogless gin among others. Some of which are that rusty you wouldn't dream of setting if you value your fingers. :icon_eek:

I have an extensive range of modern traps also including mk4 and mk6 fenns (and springers), 110 and 116 bodygrips, kania 2000, talpex and tunnel mole traps, larsen traps, and various rat/rabbit/squirrel cages etc all in regular use.

If the mods want to delete this thread feel free and I will have no hard feelings. This thread was just to clarify if fenn made these traps like this or if it was converted by an old keeper, regards mike :thumbs:

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  On 19/05/2010 at 12:11, JohnGalway said:

Bit of over reaction going on in this thread. People wishing to damage trapping can find photos elsewhere. I find this a very interesting and informative thread. More power to it!


Same here. :good:


There are plenty of other threads on here about current legal methods that could be used by antis and probably are. Bollocks to them I say, if we can't discuss a rusty old relic for fear of the antis, we may as well concede defeat to the small minded & ill informed. :thumbs:

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