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What a lovely way to spend a Sunday evening

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So other half was away for the weekend and come half four, the grass had been cut, daughter dropped off at her mum's and the dog had been walked so time for some me time.


I'd been noticing an increasing number of rabbits on a permission just down the road from where I live and realised my LR doesn't get to come out much during the day, just recently bought a new scope for it (Hawke Endurance 30IR) so seemed like a ideal time to give them both a run out.


To get on to the field I walk about 100 yards up a footpath which often has rabbits sitting on it, cos they know I can't shoot them there probably... but today my pitch was placed right over the other side of the field, well away from the houses. As you come off the footpath, there is a strip 90 degrees to the left that goes behind two gardens, again out of bounds for shooting but I crept to the corner and as luck would have it, about 50yards out and nicely into the field is bunny number one.


The evening has started well, barely on the field and one in the bag, you follow this strip for about 60yards, then the strip goes sharp left again and goes all the way around a small bit of set aside, hoping not to see any bunnies on here too as this runs along gardens and has more along the back of it (now in front of me)... no bunnies there to tease me so I head down 120 yards or so to the bottom where it's a sharp right along the bottom of the set-aside.. now the bunnies are fair game again and sure enough in the long grass on the strip, I can see two ears poking up about 40 yards away, I pop out the legs on the bipod and lay down but the grass is too long to see the bunny so number two was a 40 yard kneeling shot. That's two in the bag and haven't even made it to the spot I'd planned.


Eventually I find my spot and lay down on the edge of the field and have a clear view of 120 yards or so to the hedge line. Within minutes, two rabbits appear out of the hedge but too far so I leave them to encourage others but the next thing to appear is a distinctly dog like nose poking out the grass about 60 yards away. Shortly followed by the owner of said nose, a sodding terrier, closely followed by another terrier. I couldn't see what they were up to as I daren't look at them through the scope (mag is quickly taken out and the bolt pulled back just in case anyway). I stood up so they could see me so they japped a bit then ran off back through the hedge barking as they ran into the distance. Decided it was time to have a smoke and let things settle and about 20minutes later the next rabbit to appear comes out the grass strip and heads like a bullet straight into the field (no danger of this one making it back to the hole).


I take my eye off the scope and estimate it to be about 70yards, add a little bit of holdover and fire, big puff of dust just short of bugs, luckliy bugs just freezes so add a bit more holdover and try again, nope short again but still bugs sits there, add a bit more and whallop, that's number three (later measured at 82yards - I need to buy a range finder).


Four and five obligingly come out at 40 and 42 yards, which was nice as I'd just missed on one at 20yards having just given it a haircut (must remember to take eye off scope and give it a proper ranging).


Other half is due back at 8 and said I'll be there for that time too but have decided I want to get 6 tonight so one left to go, decide to try one out near the hedge line and using the dead one at 82 as a yard stick managed to get number 6 (later measured at 113 yards - I think my longest ever)


Beats watching the telly doesn't it?


Realised how much I love my LR and very pleased with the new scope.




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