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Only Joking....

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Maybe your next wan will be funny? :whistling:


LOL, atleast I'm trying.

Ok lets go then............


Did you hear about the gay wizard?


















Disappeared wi a poof!







:clapper: funnier than the joke

Touch a nerve with the gay jokes did i? :boogie:

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Maybe your next wan will be funny?

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Gay fella goes to the doctors "hi doc,i think ive got aids"


doc,"drop y trousers and bend over" doc looks at his arse and concludes "oh dear,its aids allright"


gay "is there anything i can do doc"


doc,"yes,i want you to go out tonight and drink 10 pints of guiness,then have a hot curry,do the same every night for a week"


gay "will that cure me doc"


doc "no son it wont,but it will show you what your arse is for"

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Some crackers there lads, fair play! :D


The wife told me to use my imagination and go out and buy something that made her look sexy . . . . . . so I came back with a case of Stella and two bottles of Vodka ...

I nearly shit myself the other day, I was in this bar when a man in arab clothes ran in shouting "Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Alava bag of crisps please" the stuttering b*****d....

Gatwick airport has been closed after a massive cloud of dust drifted in 2 uk airspace! The cleaner of the Arsenal trophy cabinet has now been arrested

Felt sorry for the hypnotist I saw last night.He hypnotised 7 men then dropped the mic on his foot & yelled "f**k Me"... What happened next will haunt me forever....

A sexy young woman was caught trying to smuggle nearly £200,000 of pure cocaine in her lace bra and knickers. It looks like that plan went tit's-up.

Beastiality is wrong, people who do that are f*****g animals...

I went round my mates house the other day, he showed me a VHS of him and his mates beating up a defenceless old guy. I couldn't believe it, I was shocked! I mean, who the f**k uses video recorders these days....?

when I was a child, I used to love watching Blue Peter. Not the TV programme, the kid from school, I used to steal the asswipe's inhalers...

Edited by maltenby
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Went round to my mother in laws last week and there were four big bruisers kicking the shit out of her, are you not going to help I screamed at her husband, they're managing fine without me he said.

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Husband comes home from work with a cock-sucking frog under his arm,turns to his wife and hands it to her.Wife says "what the hell have i to do with this"Husband without even so much as a glance in her direction says...."Teach it to cook and f**k off!" :D

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.........................6 REASONS WHY MEN PREFER GUNS TO WOMEN.................................

1 you can trade an old 45 for a 22

2 you can admire a friends gun and he will let you try it out

3 your gun stays with you even if you run out of ammo

4 guns function normal every day

5 a gun dosnt mind if you go to sleep after you use it


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a woman was sat on the bed looking at her fanny when she shouts her husband "here love do you think ive got a big fanny" husband says "no love its beautiful"

still worried about it the woman decides to put the mirror on the floor and stand over it so she can have a better look,at which point her husband runs into the bedroom and pushes his wife flying across the bedroom "what the feck did you do that for"she says he replies "what,if i hadnt of pushed you,you would of fallen down that fecker"

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