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Longnets or purse nets


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:11: i started a similar thread once on another forum.............it was emotional......


i prefer my traditional set longnet to pursenets, if i could only save one bag of nets it would be the longnet bag,


it is indeed very fine sport :)

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ferreting with long nets becomes very adictive, evrybody who has come out with me for the first time , loves it straight a way.


it is of course the simplist thing to do on open burrys. but where the adiction kicks in , is when you start looking at evry ferreting situation. and think to your self , could i use the long net here in stead of messing about with all those silly bloody purse nets. and in alot of cases you could, even hedge rows and in some woodland.


only a couple of days ago i was setting purse nets under a load of black thorn. i just couldnt get the long nets round it properly as the top of the warren was an old road. and there was knowere to get the pegs in .

belive me i tried evry thing.


so yes long net for me. but not that silly bloody old method that rabbithunter keeps banging on about. :tongue2: get with 21 century not the 19th mate :clapper: and before you say out i was brought up with tha old method so i have done my aprentaship TOMO :)

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I prefer to use purse nets unless the bury is huge and some of the bolts are inaccessable :icon_eek: ... then i put out a 25yrd stop net down the line and cross my fingers! Mind you most of my action is in woodland... using a longnet in open country sounds like a blast.

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Longnets all the way, some of the warrens that we have on our land are 50 plus holes and there is no way i'm putting out 50 purse nets its alot easier to longnet around them all them and put 1 or 2 nets crossing through the middle of them.

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Tomo, as much as i have said i dont use quickset nets, i cant see a problem using them for ferreting. Up until this season i have primarily used longnets at night. I just cant justify having 200 yards of quickset (expensive bloody poles) and 200 yards of traditional.


I'm not knocking anyone using quicksets, each to his own,


I mainly ferret hedgerows, i use longnets with effect on hedges. I also get a few cracking days a season on open moorland, which i don't use longnets. There isn't many field setts on my permission, although you may have read that there is a big open warren i am wanting to ferret.


with longnets i am ferreting places i never have before with purse nets due to thick hedges even in the winter and holes on the tops of the hedges.

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