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retieving terriers

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hi all, my little patt x lakey is an exellent hunter and ratter he,ll find anything anyway,but when im out with the shot gun for rabbits or pigeon he will not retrieve, he just finds them then wants to eat them,i know terriers are not retrievers but his father does and so do many other terriers i know, but mine just wants to eat them.Is this my own fault for feeding him fresh pigeon and rabbit sometimes??

iv,e try,d the washing line trick but as i encourage him towards me he drops what ever he has!! i,ve try,d giving him treats when he brings his toys (ball on a string) back as he does this everytime even without a treat at the end, its so frustrating.

is there anything i can do or is it that he just will never do it??

i,ve trained labs etc before but all the usuall tricks of training are`nt working.


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thanks i,ll try that the only thing i,ll ber worry,d about is the firt pole game turning into a tug of war


No need for it to turn into a TOW, you already instructed your dog to release from the "Hold" command carried out indoors (pre-flirt pole).



well done oneredtrim nice to here someone replying to help and a very good post :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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I can tell you how I trained my bitch to retrieve, it may not be to everbodys taste but worked a treat for me!!


She, to begin with was a muncher too. I bought a whistle, one of those small horn ones, and tooted it once (in the house,) when she came to see what it was i gave her praise and a treat. Then after she went away I did the same, reward and praise, BINGO in 2 days dog would come to me in a flash when I blew the whistle. Did the same on a walk and got the same response.


I then moved onto throwing a dummy with fur on it, held the dog back, made her wait, then sent her for it, the moment she picked it up, I blew the whistle, she came belting back with the dummy in her mouth and dropped it at my feet waiting for a reward!! Been the same ever since. Rarely do I give her a treat now, but the anticipation of getting one brings her back every time. As I said it worked for me. Good luck.









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following oneredtrim,s advise i started to play the "hold" game with my terrier,at first he just wanted to shake it and rag it but by a little force i placed my dummy covered in fur in his mouth and gave reward.After an hours worth over a couple of days of doing this i went to play the game again today and to my amazement as i got the treats out the cubard the dogs gone and got the dummy off the sidebored and given it to me in readyness for the treat as if he already got the fact i wanted the dummy before he got the treat. well with that i,ve thrown it up the hall way and the little monkeys brought it back again 6 buiscits and 6 retrieves later im jumping around and playing with him like nuttcase.

im not counting my chickens yet tho but at least he understands "give the master the dummy get the reward!!" :clapper::clapper:

lets hope a couple of months down the line he,ll be doing it with real rabbits and pigeons!!!! :rocker:

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