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pellets for long range shooting

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the problem is you have to find the right ones for your air rifle, lighter pellets go quicker but are less accurate because wind ect takes effect to easily, however heavier pellets are less effected by wind and therefore would be more accurate over distance but drop quicker. you have to find the weight which is in the middle somewhere






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Hi farmer,


The simple answer to this question is the pellet that suits your barrel best for consistency and accuracy is the best pellet to use on any legal vermin and in your rifle buddy.


Its not about the pellet weight mate, more about the shot placement.


If you use a .177 light pellet and put it in the bunnies kill zone it will kill the bunny instantaneously, as will a heavy weight .22 like a 21 grain Bisley Magnum.


If you put either pellet into another part of the bunny it will die but slower and out of sight down a hole in pain.


I personally like a heavy 16 grain pellet but thats just my personal preference and i only use them in my Pro Sport and R10 because my barrel loves them.


In my HW100KT I use a lighter 14.3 grain Webley Accupell because my barrel loves them more than the FX 16 grains.


The best thing to do is take a selection of pellets in your calibre and run 5 to 10 string shots through a chrono.


Find which 2 or 3 are the best for consistency first before trying them at 30 metres ish to see how they land on paper targets in reference to group sizes.


You will find most of the time that the best for consistency will be the more accurate pellet groups if you play your part in the shooting of the rifle.


A rifle is a personal item mate and a extension to your own body so my advice to you buddy is to experiment yourself and find the best pellet for your rifle and stick with it.


Im no expert mate, far from it and have a lot to learn myself, but im a realist and wont tell you rubbish pal.



Edited by zini
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Hi farmer,


The simple answer to this question is the pellet that suits your barrel best for consistency and accuracy is the best pellet to use on any legal vermin and in your rifle buddy.


Its not about the pellet weight mate, more about the shot placement.


If you use a .177 light pellet and put it in the bunnies kill zone it will kill the bunny instantaneously, as will a heavy weight .22 like a 21 grain Bisley Magnum.


If you put either pellet into another part of the bunny it will die but slower and out of sight down a hole in pain.


I personally like a heavy 16 grain pellet but thats just my personal preference and i only use them in my Pro Sport and R10 because my barrel loves them.


In my HW100KT I use a lighter 14.3 grain Webley Accupell because my barrel loves them more than the FX 16 grains.


The best thing to do is take a selection of pellets in your calibre and run 5 to 10 string shots through a chrono.


Find which 2 or 3 are the best for consistency first before trying them at 30 metres ish to see how they land on paper targets in reference to group sizes.


You will find most of the time that the best for consistency will be the more accurate pellet groups if you play your part in the shooting of the rifle.


A rifle is a personal item mate and a extension to your own body so my advice to you buddy is to experiment yourself and find the best pellet for your rifle and stick with it.


Im no expert mate, far from it and have a lot to learn myself, but im a realist and wont tell you rubbish pal.





wise words!


:notworthy: :notworthy:



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wise words!


:notworthy: :notworthy:




Well dont forget to give him his slut point then Darryl :thumbs:


I gotta wait another 20 minutes :thumbdown:




cheers darryl buddy.


Am I missing something here tony mate?


Slut point and got to wait 20 minutes?



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thanks lads for all the advice


i am useing bisley mags but like ian 118118 said they drop off quick at distance


i have had many kills with these and as far as i can tell the gun likes them but i am going to try a few different types to find an improvement over distance thats if there is any improvement


many thanks lads



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A lighter pellet will fly further than a Heavier one


A .177 will go flater and faster than a .22


Depends what you want them to do @ distance ...........


Lock time - Pellet to Target can be faster in Break actions than Precharges


So many variables



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A lighter pellet will fly further than a Heavier one


A .177 will go flater and faster than a .22


Depends what you want them to do @ distance ...........


Lock time - Pellet to Target can be faster in Break actions than Precharges


So many variables




Not totally true that mate sorry :no:


It depends on lots of factors.


If I was to shoot a 16 grain .22 pellet with a BC of 0.032 at a 45 deg angle it would have more parabolic bullet drop than a lighter pellet but have less drag than a lighter pellet.


If I was to fire a 14.3 grain pellet with BC of 0.026 at a 45 deg angle it would have less bullet drop but more air drag.


You then have to think about wind direction.


If you was to fire into a head wind with a heavier pellet with a high BC it would hold its energy more and travel better at range going further than a lighter pellet with a low BC.



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A lighter pellet will fly further than a Heavier one


A .177 will go flater and faster than a .22


Depends what you want them to do @ distance ...........


Lock time - Pellet to Target can be faster in Break actions than Precharges


So many variables




Hey Bob


You goofed there buddy :yes:


Lock Time is the time the projectile spends in the barrel before exiting :tongue2:


Guess to many :drink: last night huh?

Lucky bugger ;)


I knew the lock time in a gas ram was quicker than a spring and PCP but I didn't know that a springer was quicker than a pcp.

Guess thats my Learn for today quota sorted :yes:



Edited by Phantom
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hi kev

when you say long range,i dont think you made it clear how far you want to take your quarry at?







hi davy i have found a nice spot on my permision were thers a set thats huge :icon_eek: but i just cant get closer than 45m due to small rose garden in front of it

i would be shooting off a small hill (its an old sand bunker) giving me clearance over the flowers if i remember rightly you have a s410 .22 what pellet would you recomend


many thanks farmer

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