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Chupacabra Hunting

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We sometimes hear of El Chupacabra, but it's very rare to know anyone who has actually seen one in the field, much less been lucky enough to bag one. But that is what the dogs and I did on Sunday, and I have the pictures to prove it.


But I am getting ahead of myself. What, you may ask, is a Chupacabra? :hmm:


El Chupacabra is an animal that is known to inhabit rural areas of Mexico and parts of Central America. Its name, translated literally from the Portuguese and the Spanish, means "goat-sucker" for its habit of attacking and killing lifestock and draining them of all their blood.


It is not clear when the Mexican Chupacabra first came north to the United States, but by the mid 1990s, it was here. Mexican farmhands in such diverse places as Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, would periodically come across dead livestock in the fields with torn windpipes and every ounce of blood drained from their carcases. "El Chupacabra," the migrant workers would whisper. "It has come El Norte with us."


It is easy to write such things off, and I have always done so myself. Where are the pictures of El Chupacabra? Where does it live during the day? Why does it only come out at night? Where is the proof? There were never any answers.


Until now.


On Sunday, I was walking the edges of a cut-over corn field with the dogs in tow, when my dog Mountain slid into a hole and opened up to a full bay. A few minutes later, this THING came barreling out of the ground.


Mountain followed it out of the hole and gave chase, and soon caught it by the rear leg. Pearl, still young and full of herself, piled into the scrap too. Both dogs had it above ground and on its back. I ran over and put my boot on the creature so it could not bite the dogs. But ... what the hell was it?


And then, I knew. It was El Chupacabra -- the infamous Mexican goat-sucking blood beast of legend.


By God I had one, and it was not going to get away.


And it didn't.


Now there are some who may doubt my story, but I have appended pictures of El Chupacabra for anyone to see the horror of this thing.


Clearly, this is not an animal found on earth. This animal is the work of the Devil. This is El Chupacabra.






Patrick :drink:

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i want to see some pics of its head .if it is what he says it is he would be famous .. i dont see any more pics or newspaper clipings?? other wise i will think what i first thougth fecking.. road kill a sqashed fecking groundhog . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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