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Recommend a gun lamp

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I wanting a new lamp for shooting rabbits and wondered if anyone could recommend one.

It must fit onto an airarms 510 and be bright enough to scan the feilds, not just light up the shooting range of the gun and preferably a variable beam.

It will be used for me to go shooting alone and the logan one i currently have is ok when with someone else holding a bigger lamp, but is not bright enough to scan the fields when out alone.

Your help would be appreciated.


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Can`t argue with the deben max pro , bit over kill for an airgun though . Thought of the torch type ? had a max pro meself , but now i ude a surefire lumamax . Easily shines as far , and as bright , aquater of the weight , and very easy to mount -










Tight beam


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Thanks for the advice, I already have a torch type one which is ok for shooting rabbits once you have them in your sights, but its not bright enough to scan the fields to spot where the rabbits are. The logan one I have is better than the torch type one, but again when I am out by my self its just not powerfull enough to scan the the fields.

I am at Pickering Game Fair on saturday and i will have a look at the deben one, it sounds like it will do the job perfect.

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I can't remember what make the torch type one is, it was about £50 and takes 2 of them 3v dumpy batteries.

Don't get me wrong, the torch type one is great when out with someone else or when doing smaller fields and around the buildings, its what i have had on my gun for the last 12 months, I only want a more powerfull gun lamp to serve a different purpose.

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Went to pickering game fair on saturday and there was only one lamp on one stall, I was expecting more.

Anyway I have ordered the Deben Max Pro from Redbeck shooting supplies for £115 with the new lightweight Litthium battery, alot cheaper than everywhere else I looked, so if anyone else is looking for one it might be worth looking on there website for a good deal.


Thanks again for the advise, I will let you know how I get on with it.

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Got them on ebay for £122 all in with delivery and a filter










In Redbeck 127.50 all in with filter






not sure what the difference is with the batteries as Redbeck has the new ones

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Hi Griff,


You have just bought yourself a awesome lamp there buddy :clapper:


Have you got a dimmer switch unit for at as well mate?



It really pays off to get one if it didn’t come with it pal.


It works best is you scan for bunnies at range on 1/2 power and then turn the lamp down to minimum power with a red filter to shoot them.


Just get the brightness at the right amount that you can see the bunny and your cross hairs clearly and are not scaring the bunny.


You will find out that the rabbits actually sit and the light doesn’t bother them.


Where I used to shoot with Darryl and Gary the bunnies were really lamp shy because we hammered them for a whole year but this method still worked even until the day i left the permission.



Edited by zini
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Hi mate


I've got a night searcher 400 gun lamp http://www.nightsearcher.co.uk/PRODUCTS/tabid/55/agentType/View/PropertyID/47/language/en-GB/Default.aspx


that my wife bought me. Utter overkill and the battery pack can be a bit hefty, but with a beam out to 500 meters and the lamp weighing next to nothing on your scope, it's as great at lighting up a field, as it is at shorter ranges.


It'll do exactly what you want, but unless your static or in a vehicle, you'll need to get used to the battery weight.

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