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hi seffa here again could anyone tell me or advise me . my hawk is moulting at the moment and is left free in avery i have timed where the sun hits the inside of the avery she gets the sun from around 7.30 till about 11.30 in morning thats only 4 hours direct sunlight per day if the suns out is this enough hours per day for a healthy bird thanks seffa

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I would say that was plenty mate,all daylight is sunlight to a greater or lesser degree. They need it to make vitamin d on the feathers, which they ingest when they preen, it doesn't have to be direct constantly for this process to occur.

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I would say that was plenty mate,all daylight is sunlight to a greater or lesser degree. They need it to make vitamin d on the feathers, which they ingest when they preen, it doesn't have to be direct constantly for this process to occur.

cheers pal i cut a tree down at back of avery last nite so i think she will get atouch more now

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