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Just a question for the irish lads on the site.What`s the law with putting down snares?dog nearly got caught in one today not sure who put it down or is it allowed? so just wanted info before i started freaking out with people.

Edited by kieran c
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Just a question for the irish lads on the site.What`s the law with putting down snares?dog nearly got caught in one today not sure who put it down or is it allowed? so just wanted info before i started freaking out with people.

probably dept. of agriculture snares for badgers.if they are in your way you know what to do with them...

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yeah they are dept of argi snares ok. becareful not to be caught near them or in your possesion as its illegal an carry's a heavy fine etc. they lads setting them also keep an eye on the earths to see if there been dug etc so be careful lads, y.i.s, sionnach

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i tell u sumat this country and the uk to be honest wanna spend more time locking up these b*****ds who go around mugging old woman beating them up burgeling houses and perverts etc .. but they would rather have us dog people in the dock total wankers if u ask me

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