nuv 2 Posted November 8, 2006 Report Share Posted November 8, 2006 Some interesting reading there NUV. Good post mate. Do you think that this apparent mix of styles which we see in even the same litters is from people over the years breeding bayers to hard and not breeding complimentary styles together? Thank you Stabs; I'm not sure, never given it much thought. What I do know is that my bitch is a bayer and my dog mute, totally...yet litters bred from them have all been mixers - not afraid to bet stuck in, not by a long chalk, but with discretion. So perhaps they are exactly the mid ground 'twixt the two. I have noticed that - bitches tend to be higher strung and that nervier disposition makes them bayers before mixers and dogs, vice-versa, but they would all fit into the 'mid-range' pigeonhole. Tuffty has a bitch I bred who's now about 14 months...perhaps he could enlighten us even more. My dog, although very obedient and intelligent in many respects, doesn't seem to understand or, moreover, care that when he flies in he gets smashed...then whines for a month when he's left in the kennel whilst I'm out with the other terriers. One thing I will say though is that if a fox is to ground he will get to it when other dogs have quit and he's not small...18lb and about 16'', although he is spannable but has a very large head. Quote Link to post
Clipper 207 Posted November 8, 2006 Report Share Posted November 8, 2006 heres my girl at about 8mths shes now about 18mths showing good promise and from decent breeding,,, bushing rabbits killing rats, bolted a mink an bolted a couple of fox,,,,, but we will know more this winter Quote Link to post
Guest kipp Posted November 8, 2006 Report Share Posted November 8, 2006 here is my border 1 and a half proper quick on rats , catch rabbits in the bushes , and having stand off with the odd fox and the odd pheasant in hedge i reckon do not push them they pick it pretty quick. Quote Link to post
nelson 0 Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 Interesting what nuv said about butches being more highly strung.My old dog,long departed,was never fussed or bothered by anything until it was time to work,where as the bitch always seems to be alert,attentive,not nervy but noticing things. Quote Link to post
Guest REDROB Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 my old girl now sadly gone was small in build, would stick by my side when out for a walk she never got marked up much she was very laid back in the house she would get up on the top of the chair and just watch the kids going mental and not bat an eye lid, but she would bay her heart out till you got to her. the only thing that got her back up was other dogs in or around the kennels out back. the bitch ive got now craves attention, is all ways on the look out, she also hates the mong next door. she has started to work but she seems to be going the same way as her litter brother no baying she has bolted 2 so hopeing they stick to it and become baying types but maybe the die has been cast. i dont think all borders are late starters, if the situation is right and the dog is 12 14 months and is keen i see no reason to not let him have a look. as for a whole litter working the same way i think that is doubtfull. tidy looking bitch you have there clipper. very smart pack you have nelson. Quote Link to post
nuv 2 Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 (edited) my old girl now sadly gone was small in build, would stick by my side when out for a walk she never got marked up much she was very laid back in the house she would get up on the top of the chair and just watch the kids going mental and not bat an eye lid, but she would bay her heart out till you got to her. the only thing that got her back up was other dogs in or around the kennels out back. the bitch ive got now craves attention, is all ways on the look out, she also hates the mong next door. she has started to work but she seems to be going the same way as her litter brother no baying she has bolted 2 so hopeing they stick to it and become baying types but maybe the die has been cast. i dont think all borders are late starters, if the situation is right and the dog is 12 14 months and is keen i see no reason to not let him have a look. as for a whole litter working the same way i think that is doubtfull. tidy looking bitch you have there clipper. very smart pack you have nelson. Interesting Rob; she doesn't bay but bolts them or is that two bolts out of several different occasions?. What kind of earth is she working? Around here only mixers/bayers tend to force bolts, although hard dogs do but much depends on the earth itself. Generally, if my dog finds, we dig. With the bitch, bolts are more frequent. Edited November 9, 2006 by nuv Quote Link to post
Guest REDROB Posted November 10, 2006 Report Share Posted November 10, 2006 nuv, today we went out and i got a bit pissed off the bullx went off with her head down next thing she opened up,[ her second time of doing this] we could not see what she was on, but a fallow deer just walked by us about 30yds off, im hopeing that she wasjust abit frustraited as she has done ok on all other stuff, it really is pissin me off not knowing whats going on. anyway we went on for a look about and the border bitch went straight in, which im pleased about, i said to the lad get over there by that hole with the lurcher as we may have a chance here a few mins later out comes the fox, it was a fast bolt by the fox as it got abit tangled in the brambles from a hole we didnt see, the bitch was not far behind it, to top it off it got clean away. she made no sound today the earth is from what we could see a 3 holer but there is a fair bit of bramble around it , she has no nicks on her, the 2 holes we seen are about10 12 foot apart the unseen hole is about 16 18 ft away. ive seen charlie sneak out the back door afew times over the years, just as the dogs arse go,s out of sight out comes the fox, today she wasnt to far from him,the other 2 bolts were on different occasions one was a big place with about 6-7 holes on that one she did get a few nips but no baying. the other one i no was in woodland but my memory is shit, at the end of the day im pleased the way she is comming the mo she is finding on her own the test will come when she gets one in a blockend Quote Link to post
ROZ 0 Posted November 11, 2006 Report Share Posted November 11, 2006 Some good readingthere lads Quote Link to post
nuv 2 Posted November 11, 2006 Report Share Posted November 11, 2006 nuv, today we went out and i got a bit pissed off the bullx went off with her head down next thing she opened up,[ her second time of doing this] we could not see what she was on, but a fallow deer just walked by us about 30yds off, im hopeing that she wasjust abit frustraited as she has done ok on all other stuff, it really is pissin me off not knowing whats going on. anyway we went on for a look about and the border bitch went straight in, which im pleased about, i said to the lad get over there by that hole with the lurcher as we may have a chance here a few mins later out comes the fox, it was a fast bolt by the fox as it got abit tangled in the brambles from a hole we didnt see, the bitch was not far behind it, to top it off it got clean away. she made no sound today the earth is from what we could see a 3 holer but there is a fair bit of bramble around it , she has no nicks on her, the 2 holes we seen are about10 12 foot apart the unseen hole is about 16 18 ft away. ive seen charlie sneak out the back door afew times over the years, just as the dogs arse go,s out of sight out comes the fox, today she wasnt to far from him,the other 2 bolts were on different occasions one was a big place with about 6-7 holes on that one she did get a few nips but no baying. the other one i no was in woodland but my memory is shit, at the end of the day im pleased the way she is comming the mo she is finding on her own the test will come when she gets one in a blockend That will be the test mate...she might well bay when she finds a big old dog in a stop end...keep us posted... :thumbs-up: Quote Link to post
Guest REDROB Posted November 26, 2006 Report Share Posted November 26, 2006 well nuv you were right she had her test on friday and I FAILED HER, after checking afew places she self entered, we were in a farmers tip all sorts of trash about the place she went in to what i can only describe as a clay mound, it read 1.2 on the box i only had my small spade with us and to say it was hard going it was a mare after about an hour she came out, i could hear her at the fox from a different hole i thought she would bolt it, but no bayin just straight on she,s abit sore but im gutted that it took me so long to dig down and fail to get to her. today me and the lad went out for a walk the 2 bullx s marked one in, which we are pleased about as they were diggin at the hole it was in brambles so they may have pushed him in, anyway my bitchs litter brother went straight in no baying just under 3ft deep broke through and he was locked on to the fox dispatched him and let the others have a rag. the way its looking to me i dont think the 2 dogs will be bayers. Quote Link to post
nuv 2 Posted November 26, 2006 Report Share Posted November 26, 2006 well nuv you were right she had her test on friday and I FAILED HER, after checking afew places she self entered, we were in a farmers tip all sorts of trash about the place she went in to what i can only describe as a clay mound, it read 1.2 on the box i only had my small spade with us and to say it was hard going it was a mare after about an hour she came out, i could hear her at the fox from a different hole i thought she would bolt it, but no bayin just straight on she,s abit sore but im gutted that it took me so long to dig down and fail to get to her. today me and the lad went out for a walk the 2 bullx s marked one in, which we are pleased about as they were diggin at the hole it was in brambles so they may have pushed him in, anyway my bitchs litter brother went straight in no baying just under 3ft deep broke through and he was locked on to the fox dispatched him and let the others have a rag. the way its looking to me i dont think the 2 dogs will be bayers. Rob, this is terrier work you well know, it rarely, if ever goes to plan...unless you hunt rats etc. Was the bitch out the second time or was she too sore? I'd like to know how she reacted if she was there. Nuv Quote Link to post
whin 463 Posted November 26, 2006 Report Share Posted November 26, 2006 Some interesting reading there NUV. Good post mate. Do you think that this apparent mix of styles which we see in even the same litters is from people over the years breeding bayers to hard and not breeding complimentary styles together? my freind has aborder dog eight moons old nice dog we shall try him this cubbing smart dog with a great jacket, first working border i saw was away back 79 he had no ears left , minced with fox and cats all the best Quote Link to post
Guest REDROB Posted November 26, 2006 Report Share Posted November 26, 2006 no nuv, she is sore i would of liked her to of had the one today, but her litter brother done ok as he was alittle sore from his last outing but he still done the jod. both dogs will be off for about a fortnight maybe longer for the bitch. Quote Link to post
nuv 2 Posted November 26, 2006 Report Share Posted November 26, 2006 no nuv, she is sore i would of liked her to of had the one today, but her litter brother done ok as he was alittle sore from his last outing but he still done the jod. both dogs will be off for about a fortnight maybe longer for the bitch. That's the drawback with hard dogs. I survive because the amount of places I have to hunt is limited and, therefore, whilst the dog is recovering, so is our hunting hotspot. Quote Link to post
Dawn B 212 Posted November 26, 2006 Report Share Posted November 26, 2006 no nuv, she is sore i would of liked her to of had the one today, but her litter brother done ok as he was alittle sore from his last outing but he still done the jod. both dogs will be off for about a fortnight maybe longer for the bitch. Thats why I like my bitch, 100% bayer! My male is a bloody nightmare, i dont work him to Fox anymore, havent done for well over a year, spent more time at home than out working. Glad the pups are doing ok, the bitch may well come good yet. Dawn. Quote Link to post
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