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Hi lads, was being dragged around Wickes yesterday by the misses to look for paint to do our dinning room, bored out of my skull until this caught my eye, a 50 meter tape, and only £13, I have a range finder, but to prat about on your own setting out a zero target with the ranger is a bit of a game, walk out set target board, walk back, check range, walk back to move board, check range, and then if you want to put out extra targets at different ranges, so this will sit in the boot of the car as prime zero aid :thumbs:






Here is where you can order one if you like the idea :thumbs:




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Hi Chameleon.


Looks like a nice tape buddy.


I use the Range finder for setting zero too.


I find it helps if you leave your back pack, bag, coat, on the floor where you want to shoot/zero from, then walk out and range back on your bag, at zero shooting position, saves all the walking back and fourth mate :thumbs:

You can set the different ranges on the walk back from 30 zero mark.








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good idear that pall


there alot cheaper than the range finders :clapper:




Fun Time :angel:


Yeah they are cheaper, but their very unreliable :yes: its a pain running up to bug's asking him to hold the end and then run back to your zero shouting over to him to drop the tape and face sideways.


Half the time, he's either dropped it and run off or he's swallowed a couple of yards so your gonna go over his head and he sits there calling you a lousey shot :haha:



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its a pain running up to bug's asking him to hold the end and then run back to your zero shouting over to him to drop the tape and face sideways.


Half the time, he's either dropped it and run off or he's swallowed a couple of yards so your gonna go over his head and he sits there calling you a lousey shot



:rofl: :rofl: :clapper: :clapper:

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I used to use one mate before i got my GunTuff.


There is nothing wrong with using one at all for setting up a zero range and mil dot hold under / over calibration area.


Spot on that buddy.



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got my self a brick line and tied nots in it at 5 meter intervals nice and light fits in the bag.


as phantom says tho mr wabbit never seams to keen to help me out with the zero tho, just dont get him,i even promised not to shoot his wife and kids, :angel: what more can i do.


many have been the smerk on my face when promising. :laugh:




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How about you measure your stride for 10 paces divede by umm.....10 :clapper: and then you know how many paces it is to 20/30/40/50 yards.........this is also called field craft :blink: ........its all about learning to estimate distances in your head........through practice and experience you soon learn where to aim when at what sort or range in what breeze without wasting your hard earned cash on some electronic gismo/useless tape measure :blink: .....airgunning has become as competetive and as technelogical as the computer industry...... :icon_eek:


now before i get slated i have a AA S200 mk3 with 4-12 x50 ao scope and i regularly shoot rabbits at 50 yards.....thats not a lie i just know my rifle and scope through experience. :yes:


I take my time before a shot and estimate the range....in my head....when i bother to check distances on pick up i am allways +/- 5 yards at the most.


It would be refreshing to hear from someone who feels similarly! :thumbs:


now have a go if you think im wrong :boxing:



Cheers Blacta :D

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How about you measure your stride for 10 paces divede by umm.....10 :clapper: and then you know how many paces it is to 20/30/40/50 yards.........this is also called field craft :blink: ........its all about learning to estimate distances in your head........through practice and experience you soon learn where to aim when at what sort or range in what breeze without wasting your hard earned cash on some electronic gismo/useless tape measure :blink: .....airgunning has become as competetive and as technelogical as the computer industry...... :icon_eek:


now before i get slated i have a AA S200 mk3 with 4-12 x50 ao scope and i regularly shoot rabbits at 50 yards.....thats not a lie i just know my rifle and scope through experience. :yes:


I take my time before a shot and estimate the range....in my head....when i bother to check distances on pick up i am allways +/- 5 yards at the most.


It would be refreshing to hear from someone who feels similarly! :thumbs:


now have a go if you think im wrong :boxing:



Cheers Blacta :D



Is your name Fozzie Bear by any chance :whistling:

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:boogie: Hi Blacta,


Welcome to the forum mate :thumbs: .


I just wanted to say that there are many regulars to this section that are very accompliced shots and do what you have just described in regards to range estimation.


There are also guys on here that regularly take 50 yard (45.7 metres)shots plus another 10.9 yards on top in some cases.


Try chatting to:





Reggaeman just to name a few.


There are also a lot of the same guys that have bought a laser range finder (LRF) (not wasting their hard earned cash on some electronic gismo/useless tape measure) as you put it.


Maybe if you become a regular to the section, one day someone will invite you to their permission and you will be able to see just how beneficial that they can be mate when in some hunting situations :thumbs: .



Edited by zini
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I agree with zini!!


Having a range finder would only help you in judging distance because you can make your estimate then check it.


I will be getting one soon as anything that helps ensure a single shot clean kill is always welcome in my kit bag!! :gunsmilie:

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