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Basically, I sold a few rabbits at work the other day and one guy was moaning about a membrane covering the meat. I've never bothered too much with removing the membranes before, i've just eaten it. I shot a few rabbits earlier this evening ( much to the ferrets annoyance ) and decided to take the membrane off, it must have taken a good 10 minutes to get all the membrane off of one rabbit! but the meat did look alot cleaner and more appetising without it. Does anybody else bother taking it off and if so what's the quick way of doing it?! It's so bloody thin and gooey!

Ta, aaron.

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Yes they CAN but their main breeding season is spring/summer and thats when your out killing pregnant/milky does and half growns. Unless it's absolutely necessary it just shows a basic lack of respect for your quarry, the countryside and its cycles.


I'm guessing your pretty young?




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Yes they CAN but their main breeding season is spring/summer and thats when your out killing pregnant/milky does and half growns. Unless it's absolutely necessary it just shows a basic lack of respect for your quarry, the countryside and its cycles.


I'm guessing your pretty young?




fair enough mate i agree with you there it just annoys me when you get people slagging each other off for ferreting in summer when rabbits CAN and DO breed in the winter i personally hate ferreting in summer the rabbits you kill get coverd in flies you get stung from nettles and the ground is ussually so hard you cant get pegs in.but then again i wouldnt slag anyone off for doing abit for pest control.and yeah iam pretty young :thumbs:

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If its a job and its pest control then fair enough, its got to be done but ferrets are not the best way in summer. Far too many folk cry pest control however as just a means of excusing the fact that they cant stop them selves during breeding season and dont give a f*ck. To be honest it just sickens me a wee bit killing any animal during breeding season.


And id rather take bags of 50+ in winter.





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If its a job and its pest control then fair enough, its got to be done but ferrets are not the best way in summer. Far too many folk cry pest control however as just a means of excusing the fact that they cant stop them selves during breeding season and dont give a f*ck. To be honest it just sickens me a wee bit killing any animal during breeding season.


And id rather take bags of 50+ in winter.






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When one of your horses gets shot because it fell down a rabbit hole and broke it's leg I think you would be shhoting them in the summer, don't you? Every rabbit I kill get used so don't go making assumptions about my reasons without asking mate.


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As i said where it is necessary pest control with good reason its acceptable. And it wasnt particularly aimed at you, it was a general comment, which led from me suggesting that during summer months you find that the rabbits have more membrane and fatty deposits due to pregnancy (in answer to your original question - and yes soaking in salt works).


I too would shoot them if my horse broke its leg in a burrow, but i would also fill all of the holes and lamp it with a rifle everyday until i had completely cleared it.


Still dont make me feel any better about doing it.


Don't doubt you use them buddy.





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I take the membrane off if its a bit of venison but for a rabbit leave it till its cooked then peel it off . You cant beat a nice 3/4 grown headshot fryer .


Controlling rabbits in the summer's no a nice job to some folk but to some folk its there bread and butter we all know it has to be done so why argue about it ?

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We were 'discussing it' and came to a friendly conclusion. No need to stir it up again.


And yes 1/2 grown, in a pan with button mushrooms and some nice fresh cut bacon, then strip the meat from the bones and wack it all in a baguette!





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