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well i got my new toy today and very happy

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hi ya everyone

i got my secondhand tench regged ultra today and very pleased with her i shot a good few shots through her and no drop or power curve and she is running at 11.79 on the pennie so i have a little picture of her now i put the bipod on her as i didnt like the other one and i have a choice of sak or hw silencer to put on her but been called about the mink eating the fish and young birds on a blokes land so i am going to take her with me as well as some live traps i will let you all know how she works and i have the the map pro 4-16-50 to put on her thanks to my good pal si :thumbs: so here you go with the first picture more to follow later 359n1g4.jpg:thumbs:



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  On 08/05/2010 at 09:51, Phantom said:


You have too many toy's. :icon_eek:

Your gonna have to build a rack on the car and a firing rig cuz you wont have enough fingers, let alone trigger fingers :laugh:



hi ya tony buddy

:clapper::clapper::thumbs: i know what you mean matey but even the wife says i'm good with me hands :clapper::thumbs::tongue2:



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  On 08/05/2010 at 09:56, ferretville said:

Nice bit of kit V stick the wiihrauch silencer on much better than thesak moderators :thumbs:

hi ya fv

yeah i think hw is staying with the gun matey but the sak is pretty good on it too near on the same :thumbs:



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  On 08/05/2010 at 10:20, venomviper said:

hi ya stealthy matey

yeah a couple of scratches but nothing to bad though but she is a working gun so i dont mind that to much buddy :thumbs:



mate, were freinds and all,but, i think you may have a little gun buying problem,


you need to talk to someone about this (and soon)


any more "toys" and you will have more than i have in the shop..


like the man says you only have 8 fingers.


can just see you down the golf corse. with a gun pointing in ever direction.


nice tho them have a lovely feel to them when sholderd.



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alright shay, another new un then!!! cant fault you at all for getting some of tench's work mate, he converted my R10 to .20 for me, and the gun just hasn't put a foot wrong since, he's a legend on the bsa site, and deservedly so in my opinion. nice 1 mate, hope you enjoy her buddy

all the best, wurz

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hi,nice looking rifle,you do get addicked to buying more guns,i am after a hw 100 but got to get round the misses and thats not easey,she allways says whats wrong with the 2 you got,allso need money thinking of selling my motor bike if i can get away with it,i realy get a buss out shooting its a great sport and keeps you fit as well.gunsmilie.gifbiggrin.gif

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hi ya lads

hummm i think the wife is saying the same but all i hear is mumble mumble lol :thumbs::whistling: but i am liking the ultra nice feel good shot and tenched too bonus and very light easy to use out the car too as i had to bait the mink traps and the bloke had a paddock so off with a couple of woodies cut in half job done going back in the morning to check the traps and do a bit of shootng if it aint throwing it down again going to put my new scope on her thanks to si :thumbs: and i hope to have all my fingers after tommorrow as i will be checking the mink traps :thumbs: and thank you gary buddy for the advice this morning and then i will get her out in the field test to see what she is like after the bunny test :thumbs::clapper: all in all not to bad at the minute the bsa is getting there :thumbs:

thanks again for all the nice comment :thumbs: and andy the voices in my head say im fine and i should have another new toy very soon lol :clapper::tongue2::thumbs::boogie: and the tench man has done a good job on this one i am very pleased with it so far



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  On 08/05/2010 at 11:46, falcongit said:

hi,nice looking rifle,you do get addicked to buying more guns,i am after a hw 100 but got to get round the misses and thats not easey,she allways says whats wrong with the 2 you got,allso need money thinking of selling my motor bike if i can get away with it,i realy get a buss out shooting its a great sport and keeps you fit as well.gunsmilie.gifbiggrin.gif

hi ya buddy

yeah i know what you mean i was talking to festa yesterday and we were talking about guns and when i thought about it i must have 20 or so again but the wife says that to me all the time about guns but she breeds dogs and we have a house full of them as well as the cats she breeds lol so i use that againest her to lol :whistling::thumbs:



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Looking nice Shay :thumbs:


I know just how good them Ultras are mate from shooting Reggaemans and watching him shoot his on my old permission in Catterick.


Got to be one of the best kept air rifle secrets them Ultras.


Glad that you are getting on well with the Map Pro mate. You made any long shots with it yet pal?



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hi ya si

no not yet buddy but i am out on monday night so fingers crossed that it aint raining again :thumbs: and yeah for some reason i am liking the ultra as it is very small and light to i aint really shot it properly yet but will have a full report on it soon though si so i will let you know i will txt you a picture lol be a good weekend when you get back buddy should have some laughs :thumbs:



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