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As I've said time and time again; if you are worried about a dogs health or wellbeing...... GET IT TO A VET !!! They are the professionals; it's their job. Mange can run thru' a kennel like wildfire !

first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough


Sounds good ! Whats the cost ? My dogs are "Drontaled" and "Frontlined" regularly, but it's expensive ! Why don't the manufactures of this stuff advertise it ?



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first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough

my post wasnt aimed at u mate if u look on the first page some 1 sed give them a ml. and i ment the back of the box not the bottle and on mine it has all different animals on the back and what ml to give to body weight

no probs lad :thumbs:

i dont know how much over there but its €35 for a 50ml bottle.

it probably does get advertised on the horse and country channel :laugh:

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first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough

my post wasnt aimed at u mate if u look on the first page some 1 sed give them a ml. and i ment the back of the box not the bottle and on mine it has all different animals on the back and what ml to give to body weight


Lets not get into arguments, lads ! This is one thread where we're actualy learning something ! I'm interested in hearing about this stuff.



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first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough


Sounds good ! Whats the cost ? My dogs are "Drontaled" and "Frontlined" regularly, but it's expensive ! Why don't the manufactures of this stuff advertise it ?



i asked my vet about it before using it,he said it would be ok but he said it was my call,just covering himself really he told me 1ml per 25kg bodyweight,its handy when ya partner's a farmers daughter :thumbs:

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Ivomectim is a steroid based treatment; so I'm not sure how it cures worm and flea infestation ?



it does mate very good stuff,kills everything :thumbs:


You obviously have used it, is it available "over the counter", and how critical is the dosage ? I'm very interested in it; only heard of it, never used it.



cant get it over the counter its banned i think, if u over do the dosage it can kill dogs. i also got told dont give it to any dog with collie blood in it hope this helps

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first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough

my post wasnt aimed at u mate if u look on the first page some 1 sed give them a ml. and i ment the back of the box not the bottle and on mine it has all different animals on the back and what ml to give to body weight


Lets not get into arguments, lads ! This is one thread where we're actualy learning something ! I'm interested in hearing about this stuff.



i know it al pmsl :laugh::laugh::laugh:

seriously though it does the job at a fraction of the price of frontline.

frontline is good stuff but at a tenner each dog every go it is quite expensive

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first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough

my post wasnt aimed at u mate if u look on the first page some 1 sed give them a ml. and i ment the back of the box not the bottle and on mine it has all different animals on the back and what ml to give to body weight

think i have mate second mess

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first of all a 1ml will do absolutly nothing to a lurcher and the proper way to do it is to repeat the same dosage for three weeks. iam reading the back of the bottle as i speak. u are suposed to repeat it because mites and mange can live in either your kennels, blankets and your dog for up to 20 weeks without it showing. they can only live on wooden kennels not plastic and in the summer months they bread rapidly

i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly.

for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected.

usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep.

for a dog then 2 treatments is enough.

the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite.

iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to be enough


Sounds good ! Whats the cost ? My dogs are "Drontaled" and "Frontlined" regularly, but it's expensive ! Why don't the manufactures of this stuff advertise it ?



i asked my vet about it before using it,he said it would be ok but he said it was my call,just covering himself really he told me 1ml per 25kg bodyweight,its handy when ya partner's a farmers daughter :thumbs:


Most Vets will tell you anything, to sell the gear that their "Multi National" backers say they have to sell !! Just take a dog with a cut, and you will pay for injections, tablets,etc, that you don't realy need ! A lot of small injuries and ailments can be treated by someone who has a bit of a clue about dogs..but when an owner needs to ask; well, then you have to bite the bullet and go to a vet !! I've had dogs well over 40 years, but I'm learning something about this stuff we are talking about ! If I'm convinced, I may use it, and save myself a few quid in vet bills.... But I'd never put my dogs health at risk.



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can sum one tell me other than a vet is there any other way of getin ride of this as i think one of me dogs is got in

for dogs with a lot of collie blood,stay clear.i know a lad killed a litter of 6 month old pups.full collies.but it is good stuff. :thumbs:

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Guest stewie

found this aswell.....

"NOTE: Some Collies and other English breed herding dogs such as Australian shepherds, Border collies, Shelties, and Old English Sheepdogs have a nervous system sensitivity to high dose ivermectin; they should not be treated with this drug except in unusual circumstances and under the direct supervision of a veterinarian, who will build up to the needed dose slowly. For mixed breed dogs of unknown lineage, the ivermectin rule is "White feet, don't treat!"

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