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ive havent long bought an air arms s410 classic and ive been told by a few people not to put in to much air when i fill it.The presure goes up to 250 and ive been told to only fil to 200 is this correct :hmm:

foxlamper :D


The gauge on the gun does go up to 250, but always go off the gauge on the pump or the bottle, far more accurate.

Agree with the other lads, more pressure doesn't mean more power.


It's also worth putting a string of shots through a chronograph.

If it a new gun it will be firing at best around 10.8-11 Lb/ft.

If it's second hand to be sure it's legal.


Whilst a "Chrony" is a bit expensive, a "crombro" isn't. At £40 it's an excellent bit of kit and makes sure you're getting the best from your gun. Christmas is coming.


Worth remembering that if you take your gun up to the 12 Lb/ft mark with a particular pellet, check the Lb/ft if you change pellets as different pellets will give +/- Lb/ft

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i have a aas410 carbine i am just wonderin were i shud fill it up from i normly fill it [bANNED TEXT] it gets to about 100 2 the 80 mark or isit possible that i can go less but the pellet wil stil go in the same place as it wood 170 2 100 mark and my gun dunt seem 2 acept more air than 180 i tryd filling it 2 200 [bANNED TEXT] :signthankspin:

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