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well the fookin scots all voted for the fookin one eyed twwat that never got voted in in the first place,guess you scots like voting labour,you lot have yourseles to blame now the whole country goes tits up.

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if every one voted like us in east and south England ( cons won near everything ) the hunting act would be on the way to being over turned. to be honest you northerners and especally you jocks shoul

if every one voted like us in east and south England ( cons won near everything ) the hunting act would be on the way to being over turned.

to be honest you northerners and especally you jocks should be totally ashamed keep voting labour.

and the bloody s n p! most people in england wouldnt care if scots pissed off as long as you dont ask us for anything, your just a drain on u.k.

I done my part did you ?


were the f**k do u get off calling us a drain for start, i dont f*****g matter who in power its a hung parlament so nobody got majority and not even every body in the cons would even rule to overturn it all he said was it wouyld be put to a vote so shut the f**k up.

Edited by chris strilciw
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Oh and another thing i know hunting is a part of our lifes and tbh the ban is unfair but it hasnt really affected me that much.However to vote for a party on the off chance that it will be lifted imo is pretty narrow minded.i mean dont you think the education of our kids and welfare and security and all the rest that goes with having a stable country.i know its a bit of a mess right now,but think there far more important things than a ban and who actually sticks to it anyway.we all break laws.as for all scots and northerners voting labour.What a load of pish.and the reason the tories only got one seat in scotland is they c**ts have done nothing for scotland so why would we vote them in.I class myself british and proud to be so.Have never had a problem with england and i have on numerous occasions told ppl to stfu when they go on anti english rants.``then i read comments from lads in england saying the jocks should piss off and were a drain on the country makes me wonder why i defend the union.BUt in fairness its mostly southern lads these unfounded comments stem from.its a sad day when we cant even get on with our neighbours. :thumbdown: so much for the bond between fellow hunters.

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if every one voted like us in east and south England ( cons won near everything ) the hunting act would be on the way to being over turned.

to be honest you northerners and especally you jocks should be totally ashamed keep voting labour.

and the bloody s n p! most people in england wouldnt care if scots pissed off as long as you dont ask us for anything, your just a drain on u.k.

I done my part did you ?

I vote for this post to be the biggest load of bollocks ever written on THL :thumbs:

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Oh and another thing i know hunting is a part of our lifes and tbh the ban is unfair but it hasnt really affected me that much.However to vote for a party on the off chance that it will be lifted imo is pretty narrow minded.i mean dont you think the education of our kids and welfare and security and all the rest that goes with having a stable country.i know its a bit of a mess right now,but think there far more important things than a ban and who actually sticks to it anyway.we all break laws.as for all scots and northerners voting labour.What a load of pish.and the reason the tories only got one seat in scotland is they c**ts have done nothing for scotland so why would we vote them in.I class myself british and proud to be so.Have never had a problem with england and i have on numerous occasions told ppl to stfu when they go on anti english rants.``then i read comments from lads in england saying the jocks should piss off and were a drain on the country makes me wonder why i defend the union.BUt in fairness its mostly southern lads these unfounded comments stem from.its a sad day when we cant even get on with our neighbours. :thumbdown: so much for the bond between fellow hunters.

i wouldnt take those comments to seriously .talk is cheap ..esspesially behind a keyboard ;)

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Oh and another thing i know hunting is a part of our lifes and tbh the ban is unfair but it hasnt really affected me that much.However to vote for a party on the off chance that it will be lifted imo is pretty narrow minded.i mean dont you think the education of our kids and welfare and security and all the rest that goes with having a stable country.i know its a bit of a mess right now,but think there far more important things than a ban and who actually sticks to it anyway.we all break laws.as for all scots and northerners voting labour.What a load of pish.and the reason the tories only got one seat in scotland is they c**ts have done nothing for scotland so why would we vote them in.I class myself british and proud to be so.Have never had a problem with england and i have on numerous occasions told ppl to stfu when they go on anti english rants.``then i read comments from lads in england saying the jocks should piss off and were a drain on the country makes me wonder why i defend the union.BUt in fairness its mostly southern lads these unfounded comments stem from.its a sad day when we cant even get on with our neighbours. :thumbdown: so much for the bond between fellow hunters.

i wouldnt take those comments to seriously .talk is cheap ..esspesially behind a keyboard ;)


yea prob right mate,just enraged me a bit lol oh well we live and learn :thumbs: :thumbs:

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well the fookin scots all voted for the fookin one eyed twwat that never got voted in in the first place,guess you scots like voting labour,you lot have yourseles to blame now the whole country goes tits up.


I agree he is a bit a twat,but wouldnt go as far as insulting his disability god forbid you or a member of your family lose an eye.As for being unelected pm.well if cameron makes a deal he is unelected pm aswell if your going down that road.

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well the fookin scots all voted for the fookin one eyed twwat that never got voted in in the first place,guess you scots like voting labour,you lot have yourseles to blame now the whole country goes tits up.


I agree he is a bit a twat,but wouldnt go as far as insulting his disability god forbid you or a member of your family lose an eye.As for being unelected pm.well if cameron makes a deal he is unelected pm aswell if your going down that road.


there will allways be a north south divide unless the parties treat us all equally!! just look at the results south want the conservative who with our situation down here are the better of two evils! yet they do nothing for you up in scotland!! clearly labours intrest is in scotland as it seems thats were most of there votes came from they are the gov that foooked are countrey up yet they must be doing somthing diffrent up there because you all vote for them!! its all dodgy i hate politics there rats stuck up private school boys with no common sense just fancy words this whole contrey needs to grow a back bone and oust theys idiots that rule our day to day lives and bring in proper people with proper values!!!!

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Forget the north south devide,

Does anyone actually know if and a big if the tories get in ,will they repeal the hunting act or will it just go down to a vote in a minorty run parlimant because if this happens it will still be banned ,

As said there is more to voting a party in than nieavly thinking they will repeal an act that is immposible to repeal as they wont have enough seats to vote it in anyway.

Education,Intrest rates and familey working tax credits future british growth is what im worried about i mean lets have it right WHO THE f**k CAN STOP YOU GOING HUNTING IF YOU WANT TOO.

If you are on benifits,tax credits or a wage under 40k a year OR own your own house you will be worse of under tory rule,

I dont like labour in the slieghtest but think there more for the working man .

As the british public have stated by a hung parlimant WE TRUST ARE COUNTRY IN THE HANDS OF NONE OF THEM.!!!!

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if every one voted like us in east and south England ( cons won near everything ) the hunting act would be on the way to being over turned.

to be honest you northerners and especally you jocks should be totally ashamed keep voting labour.

and the bloody s n p! most people in england wouldnt care if scots pissed off as long as you dont ask us for anything, your just a drain on u.k.

I done my part did you ?


No i have never voted and dont think i ever will.They are all a bunch of crooks.No matter who gets in.It will no benefit me in any way.They will tax me to the hilt.Stamp all over my civil right,s and criminalize me for having working dogs.atb.Catcher

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if every one voted like us in east and south England ( cons won near everything ) the hunting act would be on the way to being over turned.

to be honest you northerners and especally you jocks should be totally ashamed keep voting labour.

and the bloody s n p! most people in england wouldnt care if scots pissed off as long as you dont ask us for anything, your just a drain on u.k.

I done my part did you ?



That,s a good one dont blame Scotland for rule that,s being made in an English parliament.You take our oil and north sea gas quick as you likethumbdown.gif

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if every one voted like us in east and south England ( cons won near everything ) the hunting act would be on the way to being over turned.

to be honest you northerners and especally you jocks should be totally ashamed keep voting labour.

and the bloody s n p! most people in england wouldnt care if scots pissed off as long as you dont ask us for anything, your just a drain on u.k.

I done my part did you ?

I agree , this country is a laughing stock , thing is no one admits to voting Labour but some wankers must do !

agree with most of what your saying but to say england wouldnt care if scots pissed of ,who would fight your wars for you.up here labour had a majority of 23000 ive not spoken to one person that admits voting for them.sent that helen liddle away with her ears ringing when she came canvasing to my door .she couldnt reply to any thing .only mutterings were how bad tory and snp were.a lot up here are told what they have to vote.

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Oh and another thing i know hunting is a part of our lifes and tbh the ban is unfair but it hasnt really affected me that much.However to vote for a party on the off chance that it will be lifted imo is pretty narrow minded.i mean dont you think the education of our kids and welfare and security and all the rest that goes with having a stable country.i know its a bit of a mess right now,but think there far more important things than a ban and who actually sticks to it anyway.we all break laws.as for all scots and northerners voting labour.What a load of pish.and the reason the tories only got one seat in scotland is they c**ts have done nothing for scotland so why would we vote them in.I class myself british and proud to be so.Have never had a problem with england and i have on numerous occasions told ppl to stfu when they go on anti english rants.``then i read comments from lads in england saying the jocks should piss off and were a drain on the country makes me wonder why i defend the union.BUt in fairness its mostly southern lads these unfounded comments stem from.its a sad day when we cant even get on with our neighbours. :thumbdown: so much for the bond between fellow hunters.

well said,if you think the hunting ban will be overturned just because the tories get in think again,politicians are just good salesmen tell you one thing to get your vote then do the complete opposite anyway.do you think they give a toss about us folk taking our doggies out,some of the feckers would'nt know what a rabbit was if it smacked them in the face never mind anything else.if you continue to believe they will completely overturn the ban then more fool you, i like the rest of us would love to see that happen dont get me wrong but im more of a realiste.and you southerners should hang your heads in shame,how's it look to the antis if you slag off your fellow hunters,not that i give a stuff but they probally piss themselves laughing.

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