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anyone use a laser boresighter?

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last one i saw been used had a dot the size of an orange @35 yards, an he gave up an did it the old fashioned way cross on a sheet of paper,, dont suppose it would have been bad if you could have focused the dot smaller, my two bobs worth save yah money buy a £2.99 ream of paper an a marker pen from any stationiers an if you get bored zeroing you can just doodle


shoot safe

my spelling may be hit an miss but i dont miss with the ripley



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Ive never used one on a air rifle but have used them on my SA80 at work prior to zeroing.


Be aware they are only used to put you in the rough area and will not zero your rifle for you.


Dont forget pellets have different weights and rifles have many different full powers, I.E 11 FP to 11.99 FP.


They are ok to put you on the paper but you will still need to zero correctly mate.


My opinion they are a waiste of time for air rifles.



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  • 2 weeks later...

theres one for sale on the pigeonwatch at the mo its a simmons so not bad make ive never thought about bothering with one as it's pretty easy to zero a airgun youre best off getting a rifle bench that helps with zeroing quite a bit

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The laser boresighters are fine for full bore rifles, where you are firing over a long range. For an air rifle, it is more than likely they'll actually make your life more difficult!


Remember that the laser is a straight line from the barrel, whereas the pellet will always fall below that line! So if you put the cross hairs on the laser dot at 30 yards, the pellet will always fall a considerable distance below that.


As stated, the cheap ones will not provide a very tight beam, so they aren't much use at anything over very short ranges. If you really must buy one as a gadget then you need to consider spending into 3 figures to get a good, well focused beam!


As said above, get some paper and a marker pen and do it the fun way, by throwing lumps of lead down the range!

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