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getting lurcher pup to retreive

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sorry bout the colourful language you caught me at a bad moment. I will ,hive advise if they want it i have helped hundreds of people over the net for free, because i am a nice person really lol. Good luck to you both

ok nice person really :D ,your advice will be appreciated by many including myself,so lets hear it :yes:

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You must start off with a good solid recall and treat the dog every time he comes back to you, with a small ammount of cheese, chicken or anything he likes. Once you have a good recall, then and only then move onto throwing a ball, dummy, dont throw it a long distance 5-6 foot is plenty to begin with, when the dog picks the object use what ever verbal cue (command) so the dog returns to you (he should do this as he is used to returning to you for a treat) when he comes to you take the ball, dummy and give him a treat (just like the recall). Dont do too much as to sicken the dog i advise only 2 retrieves in a training session, and only 3 times a week.


Once the dog has learnt this behaviour you can increase distance and start to genralise the behaviour, still using the treats. Once the dog will do this in different places start to put on a variable ratio and then extinguish the treats alltogether.


Hope this helps you all




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