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Ranges/shooting clubs near Hungerford

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Am in the process of applying for my FAC. I have my permissions, but I was wondering if there were any ranges around that I could go to to initially zero my rifle, and for practice? I've applied for a .243 for fox and deer, and a .22LR for vermin. I've also put "target practice and zeroing" on my application so should be covered for range work.


I would set up on one of my permissions, but they are all working farms, so enclosing an area, or setting up a range isn't really an option. Also they all have livestock, horses etc. around, so whilst I don't mind the odd bang, I wouldn't be comfortable firing off several rounds in quick succession for zeroing/practice.


So the question is, does anyone know of any ranges or clubs in the Newbury/Hungerford area? Bisley is a wee bit too far away to be sensible for regular use!


Does anyone know of a list of approved ranges?


Or does anyone have permission on land here that they might let me come on to for zeroing where disturbing horses and other livestock isn't an issue?

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No-one at all?


Latest FAC news is, somewhere along the line one of my referees forms has got lost. Don't know if it's dear old Royal Mail, or the licencing department (I like to think the former!) but only one of my forms has found it's way to them.


So a second form is on the way to my second referee, hopefully that should get to the police by the end of the week!

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Am in the process of applying for my FAC. I have my permissions, but I was wondering if there were any ranges around that I could go to to initially zero my rifle, and for practice? I've applied for a .243 for fox and deer, and a .22LR for vermin. I've also put "target practice and zeroing" on my application so should be covered for range work.


I would set up on one of my permissions, but they are all working farms, so enclosing an area, or setting up a range isn't really an option. Also they all have livestock, horses etc. around, so whilst I don't mind the odd bang, I wouldn't be comfortable firing off several rounds in quick succession for zeroing/practice.


So the question is, does anyone know of any ranges or clubs in the Newbury/Hungerford area? Bisley is a wee bit too far away to be sensible for regular use!


Does anyone know of a list of approved ranges?


Or does anyone have permission on land here that they might let me come on to for zeroing where disturbing horses and other livestock isn't an issue?


I'm a little confused, do I take it you don't have these rifles yet??


I suspect there is somewhere to zero but I'm in Reading and my lad is in Swindon and neither of us know of any ranges in the area off hand, I suspect there is one somewhere.


BUT... if these rifles will be new to you A trip to Bisley may be useful anyway, but are you in the NRA or a club member, you don't just turn up and shoot at Bisley!! :thumbs::thumbs:

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I don't think you can zero/use .243 at normal range due to power of the rifle and most ranges have striction on velocity.

MOD range such as Bisley only place you can use/zero your rifle. Also you need to be a member of a rifle club and hold shooter certification card.

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Mes, many rifle clubs have full bore ranges that are certificated for much higher powered rifles than the .243!


I'm aware of the rules at Bisley, and if it's the closest then I will obviously go there for the set-up and some range work to get used to the rifle.


No I don't have the rifles yet, but I've been shooting man and boy since I was 13 years old, started with small bore at school and then lots of full bore too. I know that each range will have it's own rules, I'm not expecting to just turn up and be able to fire away at will, but if there was somewhere reasonably near then it would be worth my time to get all the certification etc.


I would normally just use the land I have the permission on, been doing pest control around the country with air rifle, but the .243 is a bit more intrusive, and the horses are nervous enough as it is, plus it's not a massive piece of land so don't want to scare all the deer off!



I'm talking to another local farmer who is all arable, so hopefully I'll be able to set up a range somewhere on his land where I'm not going to be scaring any livestock.

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Mes, many rifle clubs have full bore ranges that are certificated for much higher powered rifles than the .243!


I'm aware of the rules at Bisley, and if it's the closest then I will obviously go there for the set-up and some range work to get used to the rifle.


No I don't have the rifles yet, but I've been shooting man and boy since I was 13 years old, started with small bore at school and then lots of full bore too. I know that each range will have it's own rules, I'm not expecting to just turn up and be able to fire away at will, but if there was somewhere reasonably near then it would be worth my time to get all the certification etc.


I would normally just use the land I have the permission on, been doing pest control around the country with air rifle, but the .243 is a bit more intrusive, and the horses are nervous enough as it is, plus it's not a massive piece of land so don't want to scare all the deer off!



I'm talking to another local farmer who is all arable, so hopefully I'll be able to set up a range somewhere on his land where I'm not going to be scaring any livestock.


It's probably me but I'm not quite understanding this ......

No doubt there is more to the story but where have you advised plod you are shooting to get a .243 if the land you have is not massive and full of nervous animals??



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Sorry, not being clear.


The permission is nearly 100 acres, but I'm not happy about loosing off a load of rounds around the ponies at the moment, as the mares are either in foal or have just foaled.


By the time I get round to thinking about culling they should all have foaled and the foals will be a few weeks old, so it won't be an issue, but I would like to get my kit zeroed in beforehand.

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