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anyone lost a ferret near keighly

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hello, ive recently taken in a ferret from around the keighly way (not exactly sure on the procise location). it is not for sale so if the owner doesnt come forward then it will be staying with me. so if you have lost one and can describe it then it's yours

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thought keighly was near me then, I jus checked and its 27 miles away but he has

been gone 2 week. Mine cant of travelled that far lol.

Anyway well done for trying to find the owner.

Edited by joe14
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thought keighly was near me then, I jus checked and its 27 miles away but he has

been gone 2 week. Mine cant of travelled that far lol.

Anyway well done for trying to find the owner.

Follow this up Joe it might be Riley, the ferret may have been picked up by someone passing through near you then took it back to Keighley.

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Just keep it buddy, if the person who has lost it, obviously cant look after them, then dont bother. I knew someone who lost one once b'coz he was a lazey b*****d and couldn't be bothered to repare the cage after being told to fix it! So you never know, it could be better of with you. GOOD LUCK!

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DROID - You talk the talk dont you pal, or maybe not very good talk judging from your previous pointless posts. Maybe you should keep your small minded opinionated waffle to yourself or at least if you cant make sure that you have a valid point...in this case Joe14 has already said that it cant be his and that was after your stupid comment. I wasnt saying everyone was lazy, or even saying Joe was but only you could take it as that...lights are on but nobodys home are they Droid?


Oh and maybe you should change your name to reflect that space between your ears ... Void! :feck:

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I also replied, after Joe posted it could not be his as he is 20 odd mile away, but read my 1st response, Joe is on other forums and has tried everything to get his ferret back.

A stupid and selfish comment i read was : Keep it mate if the person who has lost it, obviously cant look after them, then dont bother. :( the lad is properly upset.. its his pet.

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My original post was aimed at ferret owners having a level of responsibility in making sure said ferrets cannot escape. Joe sounds like he is a responsible owner who has just been unfortunate, in this case i am not disputing that he is in any way lazy. In fact if he doesnt manage to find his, i'd be quite happy to give him one of mine. Second post was aimed directly at Droid, nobody else. That post was in defence to the original, meaning exactly what it pointed out based on my experiences with other people and their attitudes to keeping ferrets. I would apologise if you have been offended however i dont see how anyone other than those who it was aimed at would be. Is a ferrets welfare not important to anyone? :boxing:

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The ferrets welfare is upmost, well it is to me.


I could not give a flying duck about your second post.. i was referring to your 1st post : Keep it mate if the person who has lost it, obviously cant look after them, then dont bother..


i have kept ferrets for many years ( 30 ) just as pets now but previously as working.. i have a very good level of responsibility, only had a couple escape as ferrets can but noticed straight away and they were found, does that mean i can not look after them ?


Im pleased i dont live near you.. is that how you get your ferrets! finding and keeping them.

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DROID - You talk the talk dont you pal, or maybe not very good talk judging from your previous pointless posts. Maybe you should keep your small minded opinionated waffle to yourself or at least if you cant make sure that you have a valid point...in this case Joe14 has already said that it cant be his and that was after your stupid comment. I wasnt saying everyone was lazy, or even saying Joe was but only you could take it as that...lights are on but nobodys home are they Droid?


Oh and maybe you should change your name to reflect that space between your ears ... Void! :feck:


Touchy touchy. :laugh:


Qui excuse s'accuse.

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Just to let you know ferrety-f, i have four ferrets, two hobs that were paid for through a rescue centre (could of bought some cheaper else were) but didn't! Also two jill's from a local lad.

I have never lost a ferret and if i found one and nobody claimed it then i would give it to someone on THL who would have lost one similar, so i'm gunna apologise for any untoward upset caused. :victory:



ATB Ecostorm....

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