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Just wondering if anyone has found the best approach to asking land owners for permission? Not sure if sending letters or approaching in person is best. Whats your experiences and whats worked best for you? I've tried both of the above but i dont seem to have had much luck if any, so wondered where i'm going wrong!

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have you no permission at all mate, if you do ask the farmers near by and tell them you have got the land up the road... think you stand more chance trying that first good luck.




No, havent got any of my own permission but i do go with a few friends who do. As i'm getting into it more im looking to get my own permission but seems people arent interested. Will give your suggestion a go though, never thought of that! Might try it further away from home just in case i get rumbled!!

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I usually make sure i'm dressed half smart and go up to the farm/house and just knock the door and ask. I'm polite and articulate and generally friendly. I usually mention the other permissions i have in the area. Also i find its best to start by asking to ferret and then asking if you bring the dogs during the day and work up to lamping and shooting. I also usually go out of my way to lend a hand with and jobs that need doing and make sure i drop of rabbits, trout and birds when they want one. I also never suggest i'm doing them a favour.


So far i have 1000's of acres and no one has ever said no.



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