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Murder buck shot

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After a good stalk this chap came to us.

He has very long antlers and only a brow tyne on 1 antler ("on offer").

A real danger to the other deer.

We spotted him well out in a field having a mooch so drove around the back of a wood in the hope he would re- appear.

We stalked down the wood edge(Nick leading), only to have him appear about 200m's away getting down on the sticks Nick made his call that he would wait for the deer to hopefully make his way up to us.

A good call as he did.

Just as he got closer he went broadside and I confirmed to him the shot was ok.

Because of the vegitation the shot was placed in the withers(fatal), as opposed to the neck, his call and ok with me.


The 125 partition 6.5 bullet hit both shoulders and killed him instantly.


Leaving a 50p size exit (priceless).


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nice one.

how old do you estimate that the buck is? (the antler mass seems low to me,meaning an older buck and from the pic the roses seem slanted outward also a sign of age) a pic of the lower jaw would be great(is it common to age the culled deer in england?? in germany its a big part of the cull and all deer are aged by the p1,i have had some BIG surprises :boogie: ).


thanks for sharing.


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the client took the head and i would guess about 5-6 years old.


how many hectacre you shoot ? animal very tame, you feed,on farm ?

Edited by clint
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Certinally not tame.... no feed, just field craft and stalking ability.

could have shot this at 200m's but waited for it to stalk us(lol),

finally shot at 120mm's and only then because we thought it was going through the hedge. As it happen I think it was just browsing.

Partitions are a great round fast expanding but limited to x2 so no damage in bone.

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Only deer i see like this ,tame, in hungary where man feed & make tame for man to enjoy shoot & for many people to come. Pay very big $$$$. most deer i see no like see 2 men . when i shoot deer , animal very nervos, good ear & nose, 2 man no get 200 metre of animal.Must shoot 150/ maybe 200 metre minimum, like with sniper tactic, very quiet & camoflag. No with wite face.

Edited by clint
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Only deer i see like this ,tame, in hungary where man feed & make tame for man to enjoy shoot & for many people to come. Pay very big $$$$. most deer i see no like see 2 men . when i shoot deer , animal very nervos, good ear & nose, 2 man no get 200 metre of animal.Must shoot 150/ maybe 200 metre minimum, like with sniper tactic, very quiet & camoflag. No with wite face.

You should have a day out with a pro stalker my friend I believe you could learn an awful lot.

The deer didn't run as it didn't know we were there thats half the battle.

had a doe come within 4m's of us this morning before she bolted, we were good on wind and stood still.

Only wearing plain green.

Quiet, still, and right for wind you will approach most deer nearer than 200m's most within 100 and some within 40.

Edited by john robbo
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You should have a day out with a pro stalker my friend I believe you could learn an awful lot.

The deer didn't run as it didn't know we were there thats half the battle.

had a doe come within 4m's of us this morning before she bolted, we were good on wind and stood still.

Only wearing plain green.

Quiet, still, and right for wind you will approach most deer nearer than 200m's most within 100 and some within 40.


yes be good to compare you tactic, to me.Is you shoot game park, or wild ? I was military ,maybe we meet when i farm quiet for work.


Deer in vidio see food, you stand with camera, it no run!

Edited by clint
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No roe in parks that i'm aware of.

All my deer are wild roe.

Eyes better at picking up movement than detail.

Usually they try to back up sight with another scense.

Not to hard to stalk hardest thing to find them in the first place.

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