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how to bulk up dogs?

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When we are talking 'bulk' are we talking about putting weight on?

If we are, then my two penneth worth would be to first worm out (as otherwise your waisting your time and money!) then feed good quality meat with a good quality complete meal, as Wirralman does and the two meals (one smaller) a day will help too. Many greyhound men would also keep the food 'sloppy', its advice that I've always used and for me it's worked.

Then, more roadwork than free running, at first, as you can and should blend them to the opposite way round in a few weeks.


If you are trying to bulk up an already fit animal then I would question your logic, Lurchers are bred to run above all else, and to do it effectivley your dog needs to be 'match fit'. Running your dog carrying 'extra' could result in a slower dog, possible injury and you'll find it'll run any extra bulk off faster than you think.



Edited by Bosun11
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If you are trying to bulk up an already fit animal then I would question your logic, Lurchers are bred to run above all else, and to do it effectivley your dog needs to be 'match fit'. Running your dog carrying 'extra' could result in a slower dog, possible injury and you'll find it'll run any extra bulk off faster than you think.



good bit of advice there :thumbs:

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Lots of good advice I would only add, old fashioned road work, where the dog gets its neck into the collar and pulls as hard as i can for 100yds then easy for a 100, build up gradually to multiple sets. It's body building for dogs and the reason that running dogs and bulls have wide collars to alow pulling with out damage. I've used it in the past to bring a dog on quickly if its in poor nick but ,as above, it builds bulky muscles that are not much good if you want anything above a short sprint.

Regards sandymere.

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sus and deca normally does the trick lol



..........run with 50mg of d-bol for the first 4 weeks.......finished off with 2 mil of viramone or trembalone and a shot of Stanzonol a day for the last 2 weeks. lmao


lmfao haha.i was going to sugest 1ml mazatek duratest 500,1ml deca(200mg per 1ml)streight through 6wk cycle,then clomid or nolvadex post cycle,plenty milkthistle aswell.




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