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An hour at dusk!

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Hi all, decided to give the s410 another go before I have to get rid :( with the kids in bed I got kitted up and headed off to my closest permission. Had a wander about for about half an hour seen a few Rabbits in the distance so stalked them (as best I can lol) seemed to be a lot of Pigeons around but thought I'd better not have a pop at them :whistling: after getting within about 50yrds of them a Buzzard flew over me and they scattered at warp speed :censored: found a Holly tree and perched myself in it for around half an hour to see if they would come out again but know!! So off I went to a different field, and would you believe it the same thing happened agian!!!!! Grrrr lol I was now starting to lose the light so had one more field to try. With my eyesight not being the best in that sort of light I was stuggling to see the little fekers bouncing around, then one stood up as I looked over the hedge, aimed, squeezed trigger and thud that tell tail noise as it hit!!! Knocked it over and paced it out at 44 yards/meters. After a hard hour and a half I think I deserved that one lol, now in the fridge ready to fry up tomorrow :thumbs: I have got a picture but it won't seem to upload!!


Thanks for reading and ATB Plink

Edited by plinkplinkplop
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The bunny in the fridge is swaying me to keep the s410 but the problem I have is I can't stalk like I would like to because of my back thumbdown.gif (hence the reason for selling) My hw90 will do the job while in the hide and I reckon it has more power too!! Aslo I am looking to go down the FAC route gunsmilie.gif if I can find a light 17 hmr Rifle. The problem I have is the permissions I shoot at are boiling with bunnys which are doing a lot of damage!! And I can't keep on top of them with an Air Rifle wallbash.gif

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