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What did your GrandDad teach you?

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Hi everyone,

I was got thinking about me Grandfather, while reading Duckwing's topic about his axe he restored. You see my Grandfather taught me all about hewing timber the old fashioned way with an axe. My Granddad is one of the few people who devoted his life to restoring historic buildings authentically using the old methods he learned from his grandfather, mainly hewing timber into beams. My Grandfather is now in a nursing home and senile. I was fortunate enough to learn the skills from him when he was fit and strong.


So my question is to ye all, What did your GrandDad's teach you? Anything, skills, lessons, etc



Edited by cúagusgiorraí
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taught me take only waht ya need from the land and not to turn your back on a goat lol he had a goat that when you turned your back the fecker charged ya. also taught me to prep game and set old style traps

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How to fish (sea and carp), a bit of woodwork and he got me into shooting by buying me my first airrifle for my 9th birthday which i stupidly sold a few years ago and have spent a while trying to buy it back.

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my grandad tought me about lurcherwork, terrierwork and ferreting, also keeping pigeons, and farming in general, driving tractors etc these are all things i hope my son will want to know.... hes 18 months now and already keen for the outdoor life. :toast: He dont have his great grandad around though, so its down to me to pass on what I have learned.

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Nothing , one grandad died before i was born and the other didnt want to know us grandkids , on the odd occassion we did see him we wernt allowed to call him grandad as he said it made him feel old , what a joke .

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