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Lamp-shy fox

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Anybody get any thoughts on how to take out a particularly lamp-shy fox without me having to invest in night vision? He is a persistent raider of a local poultry man near me and attempts to lamp him have scared him off for each night I have tried although he does return the next night.

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Anybody get any thoughts on how to take out a particularly lamp-shy fox without me having to invest in night vision? He is a persistent raider of a local poultry man near me and attempts to lamp him have scared him off for each night I have tried although he does return the next night.



Cage Trap

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Anybody get any thoughts on how to take out a particularly lamp-shy fox without me having to invest in night vision? He is a persistent raider of a local poultry man near me and attempts to lamp him have scared him off for each night I have tried although he does return the next night.

You can always try a filter on your lamp poss orange or red :icon_redface: Worth a try



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stick a filter on your light is the first option...


Failing that try a stink tube... or pit, pick a point on the land in which you know the distance to the stink pit or tube, fill with a few rabbits, or cat food, and then waiting until hes there, light up the pit and be ready for the shot, if he runs a large shout should ring out he may stop to take a look and you send a round to him...






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Use a kebab mate,get a couple of dead hens and spike them through and into the ground with a road spike,that will mean that he has to stick around for a bit longer as he can't drag them off straight away.

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An idea I've though would work, and seen a fella rig up the apparatus, is if you were to get one of those PIR sensors. Attach it to a stick or pole. Put bait out in front of it and have the PIR sensor covering the bait, red light should come on when fox is at the bait.


Or, you could try leaving a static light beside some bait and keep an eye on it. May or may not work.


I guess the trick is for you to know he's there before he knows you're there.

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You wont get an adult underground this time of year.

You will have very limited success with a midden this time of year.

You will have very limited success with a lamp if its shy.

Probably wont go for a cage unless its urban-ish.


Either early morning and last thing at night stints or snaring known pads/runs are the most likely way of getting him/her.



All the best.


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i am presuming the fox is feeding cubs so why would they not be to ground ftb(not having a go just wondering?)

a midden is a better option for winter when food is scarce,there are lots of fresh options at the moment(if the fox is targeting hens for example).


i would be looking for the earth,snaring known passes/paths/runs/fences etc and leaving a light on at the sheds he is visiting(preferably casting light onto a field which is baited over a week,sit at the weekend when he is used to the light and food).

if the time is available then put the effort in and get the fox quick,minimize the damage/losses.

when damage is done its all methods at once if straight lamping fails.


the very best of luck bud :thumbs:

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i am presuming the fox is feeding cubs so why would they not be to ground ftb(not having a go just wondering?)

a midden is a better option for winter when food is scarce,there are lots of fresh options at the moment(if the fox is targeting hens for example).


i would be looking for the earth,snaring known passes/paths/runs/fences etc and leaving a light on at the sheds he is visiting(preferably casting light onto a field which is baited over a week,sit at the weekend when he is used to the light and food).

if the time is available then put the effort in and get the fox quick,minimize the damage/losses.

when damage is done its all methods at once if straight lamping fails.


the very best of luck bud :thumbs:


Cubs will be old enough now that you wont get the vixen laying with them. She only stays with them till there weaned then just dropps food in for them from thereafter.

You would only get her in if you pushed her in, highly unlikely.


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i am presuming the fox is feeding cubs so why would they not be to ground ftb(not having a go just wondering?)

a midden is a better option for winter when food is scarce,there are lots of fresh options at the moment(if the fox is targeting hens for example).


i would be looking for the earth,snaring known passes/paths/runs/fences etc and leaving a light on at the sheds he is visiting(preferably casting light onto a field which is baited over a week,sit at the weekend when he is used to the light and food).

if the time is available then put the effort in and get the fox quick,minimize the damage/losses.

when damage is done its all methods at once if straight lamping fails.


the very best of luck bud :thumbs:


Cubs will be old enough now that you wont get the vixen laying with them. She only stays with them till there weaned then just dropps food in for them from thereafter.

You would only get her in if you pushed her in, highly unlikely.




cheers bud :thumbs:

i have untill now always found the vixen to be with them(if lying above getting away from them :clapper: ) and often trying to keep the in the earth,i have also seen many a vixen lying with the cubs in the morning sun(and dogs for that matter)and so could not understand why she would not be there( having bolted vixens from cubs etc etc).

thanks for the reply,its always good to hear the point of view from others :thumbs:



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