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Dogs like people can make mistakes my little bitch has jumped one particular fence must be 50times but she mis judged it once and got herself hung up, and i have a saluki x that can jump six foot no probs and he got torn this morning going over a hedge/fence. you just never know :thumbs:

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if its that much ov a worry for you mate, stick to teaching the pup to jump gates. :thumbs:

will do mate. it is a bit ov a worry as this will be my first lurcher but i surpose it gos with the game atb

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if a dog can jump properly, it will lower the chance ov accidents :victory:

i see what your saying pal , most lurcher injuries are from jumping, especially at night . but your saying the more the dog practises jumping the less the risk will be, i agree but when there in pursuit they some times arent looking at the obstacle there jumping , eyese are on the quarry more which makes more of a risk when jumping in pursuit. just my opionion

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right lads am no expert on lurchers but would like to no do you all teach you dogs to jump i no most do but would like to no what the pros and cons can be. does it depend on the land you run on thumbs.gif

my dog aint a keen jumper she would rather go through a gate ,dont get my wrong she does jump if she really needs to but is a bit annoying sometimes but i was told that after years go past they suffer with there legs??
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