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how many ov you lads keep them in doors and round kids. how do you find them i have been told they are very laid back and good with the kids i ask as i will be getin a dog soon and will have to be in the house. :thumbs:

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how many ov you lads keep them in doors and round kids. how do you find them i have been told they are very laid back and good with the kids i ask as i will be getin a dog soon and will have to be in the house. :thumbs:


Dogs a dog is a dog is a dog........... How is your kids with dogs? See what I mean mate? All different. Most lurchers are fine but if any dog is laying down and a kid comes over and stands on his knackers, he'll react. I'd never trust any dog alone with a kid, mostly because kids are unpredictable lol.

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how many ov you lads keep them in doors and round kids. how do you find them i have been told they are very laid back and good with the kids i ask as i will be getin a dog soon and will have to be in the house. :thumbs:


Dogs a dog is a dog is a dog........... How is your kids with dogs? See what I mean mate? All different. Most lurchers are fine but if any dog is laying down and a kid comes over and stands on his knackers, he'll react. I'd never trust any dog alone with a kid, mostly because kids are unpredictable lol.

very true bud. my lads sound hes only 4 but loves the terrier. what works :thumbs: i just ment in genral

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how many ov you lads keep them in doors and round kids. how do you find them i have been told they are very laid back and good with the kids i ask as i will be getin a dog soon and will have to be in the house. :thumbs:


Dogs a dog is a dog is a dog........... How is your kids with dogs? See what I mean mate? All different. Most lurchers are fine but if any dog is laying down and a kid comes over and stands on his knackers, he'll react. I'd never trust any dog alone with a kid, mostly because kids are unpredictable lol.

very true bud. my lads sound hes only 4 but loves the terrier. what works :thumbs: i just ment in genral


I'd trust a lurcher before I'd trust a terrier mate, if that helps.

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Guest wurzil

how many ov you lads keep them in doors and round kids. how do you find them i have been told they are very laid back and good with the kids i ask as i will be getin a dog soon and will have to be in the house. :thumbs:


Dogs a dog is a dog is a dog........... How is your kids with dogs? See what I mean mate? All different. Most lurchers are fine but if any dog is laying down and a kid comes over and stands on his knackers, he'll react. I'd never trust any dog alone with a kid, mostly because kids are unpredictable lol.


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lurchers are about the best out there for kids provided they are brought up with kids from a puppy as with all dogs just obey the golden rules never leave a kid alone with any dog teach them both about one an other to respect each ones space never let the kid go near them when feeding them let the kid give em treats if the kids have friends over put the dogs in another room lurchers love kids kids just need to know the boundaries

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how many ov you lads keep them in doors and round kids. how do you find them i have been told they are very laid back and good with the kids i ask as i will be getin a dog soon and will have to be in the house. :thumbs:

My two live in the house.Never had a problem,apart from them hogging the settee.

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As others have said, it is simple, it's the kids you have to watch not the dog especially if they are young. Mine are 4 and 6 and they soon learnt when to leave the dog alone and what they can and can't do with her. They all get on really well but we are always aware of what they are doing and make sure they don't wind her up. Same goes for their friends when they come over.


My youngest was petrified of dogs a year ago. He would scream or cry if he saw a dog even if it was not near him which is one of the reasons why we got a lurcher puppy. He is absolutely fine now and he loves dogs not just ours, he also has respect and knowledge of what to do or not do with dogs.


If you are getting a puppy be aware that a dogs baby teeth are very sharp just, like needles and it might not have any people manners so be very, very ,careful. We all got nipped a few times and there were tears but there was no lasting damage apart from the odd item of clothing or footwear that was left out.


You have to make your own mind up about the sofa but I would say don't let the dog on it. We did and she takes it over and will jump straight on it when she has been outside and is wet or muddy. She has also had a bit of a chew on it and wrecked it.


Our dog is not aloud upstairs unless it’s for a treat at weekends.


Good luck with whatever you get.

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As others have said, it is simple, it's the kids you have to watch not the dog especially if they are young. Mine are 4 and 6 and they soon learnt when to leave the dog alone and what they can and can't do with her. They all get on really well but we are always aware of what they are doing and make sure they don't wind her up. Same goes for their friends when they come over.


My youngest was petrified of dogs a year ago. He would scream or cry if he saw a dog even if it was not near him which is one of the reasons why we got a lurcher puppy. He is absolutely fine now and he loves dogs not just ours, he also has respect and knowledge of what to do or not do with dogs.


If you are getting a puppy be aware that a dogs baby teeth are very sharp just, like needles and it might not have any people manners so be very, very ,careful. We all got nipped a few times and there were tears but there was no lasting damage apart from the odd item of clothing or footwear that was left out.


You have to make your own mind up about the sofa but I would say don't let the dog on it. We did and she takes it over and will jump straight on it when she has been outside and is wet or muddy. She has also had a bit of a chew on it and wrecked it.


Our dog is not aloud upstairs unless it’s for a treat at weekends.


Good luck with whatever you get.

what sort of weekend treat,warrants the dog coming up-stairs then :whistling:

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I have 2 kids and the lurchers are so good laid back with them its unreal. Both saluki crosses. My kids are 3 & 4 and my youngest can be a bit hyper at times but this still doesnt fase the dogs one bit. Where the terriers well thats a diffrent storey

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As others have said, it is simple, it's the kids you have to watch not the dog especially if they are young. Mine are 4 and 6 and they soon learnt when to leave the dog alone and what they can and can't do with her. They all get on really well but we are always aware of what they are doing and make sure they don't wind her up. Same goes for their friends when they come over.


My youngest was petrified of dogs a year ago. He would scream or cry if he saw a dog even if it was not near him which is one of the reasons why we got a lurcher puppy. He is absolutely fine now and he loves dogs not just ours, he also has respect and knowledge of what to do or not do with dogs.


If you are getting a puppy be aware that a dogs baby teeth are very sharp just, like needles and it might not have any people manners so be very, very ,careful. We all got nipped a few times and there were tears but there was no lasting damage apart from the odd item of clothing or footwear that was left out.


You have to make your own mind up about the sofa but I would say don't let the dog on it. We did and she takes it over and will jump straight on it when she has been outside and is wet or muddy. She has also had a bit of a chew on it and wrecked it.


Our dog is not aloud upstairs unless it’s for a treat at weekends.


Good luck with whatever you get.

what sort of weekend treat,warrants the dog coming up-stairs then :whistling:

lol nise one lads :thumbs:

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