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found her

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i had a phone call last night of a mate last night saying hes got water pouring through his ceiling,and he wanted me tocome down and sort it as heidnt know how to stop it,i got to his house and he said quick look at all the water on the floor in the kitchen,i looked in and to my suprise was my jack russell bitch,me and all the family have been out for nearly two weeks solid looking for her,she had lost a lot of weight,her eyes were full of dirt,her nails and feet bleeding and sore,and covered in ticks,she was found 1/4 of a mile from were she was lost,by the looks of it she has been to ground for the best part of the time she has been gone.amazing the resilliance of terriers,just glad shes alive and well,good rest cos shes exausted,plenty of food and a couple of days she will be back to normal,except never being let of the lead,unless she has a locator collar on,too many lucky escapes shes had for my likeing


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Glad you got her back.


Did your friend know she belonged to you? Did he get you over to surprise you that he had her?


Seems abit odd to me, but i was not there so who knows.


Well done.



Edited by Pignut
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