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ferret maybe preg

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kay and jenksi87 a thought you would be the two of the people to help me out am just sayin i want the best for the kits.I am just putting it past that i dont know anything about ferret breeding just working as i wouldnt like to breed them as i am am not clued up.Can you please read the post i never intended on breeding her.A wouldnt if i never knew a thing about it.She was in a cage with the hob i own that i got from the same lad and obv not knowing the breeding season as i only know about working and he caught her in season sorry for being such a prick for not checking the time of season.All i want is for her to be healthy with the kits and for her to be in good shape





sorry for asking for info




as i have said my first litter even tho i didnt intend on breeding them




say what you want i really dont care all i care for is my jill and kits




atb shaun :thumbs:

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kay and jenksi87 a thought you would be the two of the people to help me out am just sayin i want the best for the kits.I am just putting it past that i dont know anything about ferret breeding just working as i wouldnt like to breed them as i am am not clued up.Can you please read the post i never intended on breeding her.A wouldnt if i never knew a thing about it.She was in a cage with the hob i own that i got from the same lad and obv not knowing the breeding season as i only know about working and he caught her in season sorry for being such a prick for not checking the time of season.All i want is for her to be healthy with the kits and for her to be in good shape





sorry for asking for info





as i have said my first litter even tho i didnt intend on breeding them




say what you want i really dont care all i care for is my jill and kits




atb shaun :thumbs:



I have no idea if this jill will bail out again but if she does you have a problem .. the first you will know about it is when you hear constant crying which isnt a good sign


i only hope she isnt pregnant .. its not impossible for an entire male to simply bring the jill out of season which in a way will be a blessing



How long has it been since the swelling went down ? this will give you a rough idea of when she will birth if she is pregnant........ but finding a jill with a fairly new litter isnt the solution .. that may well be ok on paper but you have to bare in mind she will already be caring for her own kits ... so its hardly fair to try to off load even more work onto her

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i know kay is nice i am not trying to argue i always read what kay has to say as she is careing and full of info :icon_redface: honest



i am not trying to start arguing i never wanted to breed my ferrets

As i have said i am not clued up sorry for not looking out for the sings


i noticed it after today when i cleand the hutch aswell as noticing she was getting fatter just never thought anything of it.That is why i asked sorry agen



as i said if the litter goes well there will be kitts up for grabs




atb shaun :thumbs:



sorry kay :icon_redface:

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Another one without a clue!!

Why do people not do a bit of thinking before doing stuff like this

This is why I wanted a sticky ,,but it is now obvious that it would not make a blind bit of difference.


What to do mate ,is take your pregnant Jill along to a rescue centre and hand her in, at least that way someone with a scooby about what they are doing will look after her.

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"Thats not fair he made a mistake and is now trying to sort it out by asking your advice and all you can do is slag him when you could have fill him with information that he's going to need come on he's being honest . no bodys perfect "



I can appreciate that , and OK, I was harsh and the bloke is doing his best for them ,now that he`s in this situation.

BUT when you have rescued ferrets in the conditions I have then you get a bit annoyed at people not taking the time to find out about animals before taking them on.


I would suspect that most folk who keep a male and a female anything together should be able to guess that they will breed,,no ??

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I agree ,i've rescued a few over the years and can't believe how people can treat them ,i just think he's made a mistake and asking for help to resolve it, alot of people wouldn't even ask, its those people you need to worry about, the teeth snapping stamp on it if it bites you brigade of idiots worrys me

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never breed ferrets before but noticed that my jill (dont know the right word so bare with) fud lol is swollen and she is putting on weight dont know if she is coming into season or pregnant?



as i said never intended on breeding them but ohwell




any help would be great


atb shaun :thumbs:

its the first day of summer and ur only seen this now.. u shouldnt keep ferrits if u know notting about them

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OK mate

Keep the jill seperate in her own cage, make sure she gets the best food and fresh water - don't leave carcasses in the cage or any food that's likely to go off . Don't worry too much about that first litter...it happens with young jills with thier first litter....they just don't seem to know what to do .

When the kits are born resist the temptation to disturb them just for the sake of a little peak, leave her alone, just keep an eye on her from a distance .

Keep posting and asking questions and don't let the slaggers woerry you mate.....shoit 'appens .



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What the hell is wrong with people ????? you allow a jill to get pregnant then find out she has previously neglected a litter or litters ......... talk about irresponsible

This is why the rescues are full to the rafters because of people who dont know what the hell there doing


I rarely sound off on here at folks but when i read dross like this i shake my head in disbelief .. so the solution is to find another jill with a litter or breed one just in case ... total madness & disregard for the animals being used :( :(

:clapper::clapper::clapper: totaly agree :clapper::clapper:

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What the hell is wrong with people ????? you allow a jill to get pregnant then find out she has previously neglected a litter or litters ......... talk about irresponsible

This is why the rescues are full to the rafters because of people who dont know what the hell there doing


I rarely sound off on here at folks but when i read dross like this i shake my head in disbelief .. so the solution is to find another jill with a litter or breed one just in case ... total madness & disregard for the animals being used :( :(

:clapper::clapper::clapper: totaly agree :clapper::clapper:





hahahah thanks alot to people that have help me a least somepeople get me

for the others that slag hahahahah am askin advice so a dnont be a complete dick like most of the people on here









atb shaun :thumbs:


i never wanted to breed her

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